Das Wochenende ruft heute früher, darum wechsle ich bereits in den #GoblinMode
The one with Marcel's solution to not learn how to implement a proper email verification system. #GoblinMode #buildinpublic
Finally managed to add a proper initial loading state. #GoblinMode #buildinpublic
People can now add pictures to their #GoblinMode statuses and it changed the whole dynamic. Turns out: Some things are easier communicated with a photo. #buildinpublic
It's still in rough shape but I'm already a bit proud of it. I'm in the process of adding reactions instead of likes to #GoblinMode and they're kind of working!
In a moment of unparalleled genius I came up with the idea of live data tags. Introducing: The step count tag. It let's you share your current number of steps walked today.
#GoblinMode users can now see a history of all their old statuses.
They're not able to see the archive of statuses of their friends though.
I want posting a status to feel ephemeral. At least in terms of what your friends can see.
Sharing requires trust. It's a give and take and creates a fragile balance for people to feel save to share. Goblin Mode users with no current status won't see what their friends are sharing anymore.
Taking pointers from BeReal. They're doing a great job with stuff like this.
I wasn't happy with the flow of interaction on the "Update Status" screen and some of my friends overlooked the message field when posting statuses. A bit of rejigging later this is where I'm at.
Interaction now flows from top left to bottom right which makes it less likely to overlook the optional message textfield and you even get a little preview of how your status will look like. Improvements!
Here's a list of all tags in #GoblinMode. Help me make it even better!
What's missing?
Goblin Mode's tags were stored in individual Firestore documents before. That resulted in <number of tags> database reads every time somebody opened the "Update Status" view.
@DavidHaydl pushed me in the right direction and now it's just two reads for every open. One to fetch the document containing all categories and one for the document containing all tags. Feels good.
I had to learn a lot about Dictionaries to get this to work.
Sodele, der Koch hat sich gerade mit einem #Negroni #Sbagliato warm gelaufen. Jetzt wird der Tisch gedeckt, dann geht's ab in die Küche.
Zeit also für den #GoblinMode
#negroni #sbagliato #Goblinmode
#hobbystreak day 417:
Painted up these lovely fellas in just over 4 hours in @twitter.com/@crystalmcdoll 's twitch stream, while video chatting with my lovely friend Widram.
Pleased with how they came out, considering how slow I usually paint.
#hobbystreak #miniaturepainting #xmas #Goblinmode
#hobbystreak day 417:
Painted up these lovely fellas in just over 4 hours in @twitter.com/@crystalmcdoll 's twitch stream, while video chatting with my lovely friend Widram.
Pleased with how they came out, considering how slow I usually paint.
#hobbystreak #miniaturepainting #xmas #Goblinmode
Passend zum anstehenden Wochenende und dem dazugehörigen #GoblinMode habe ich Filter eingerichtet, um keine Vogelseiten-, Murks- und verwandte Trööts mehr sehen zu müssen. Nice.