Quels #rêves on peut faire après avoir vu un très bon film sur #Godard ? Il manquerait juste la dernière partie de sa filmographie https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/103511-000-A/godard-seul-le-cinema/
Vraiment à regarder :
Qui était Jean-Luc Godard ? Quel individu se cache derrière la légende à laquelle il a lui-même contribué, celle du cinéaste de génie, du créateur insolent de formes nouvelles, du provocateur aux propos sibyllins, du militant maoïste ou de l’ermite érudit fondu de technologie ? C’est à l’homme que s’intéresse le réalisateur Cyril Leuthy, embrassant la carrière et la vie du cinéaste dans son documentaire
Godard, seul le cinéma
Convaincu que le cinéma pouvait “tout faire”, Jean-Luc Godard, disparu en 2022, incarne à lui seul cet art multiple. Ce portrait documentaire juste et émouvant s’attache à débusquer l’homme derrière la légende qu'il a en partie forgée.
Le film Godard, seul le cinéma de Cyril Leuthy, sélectionné dans la catégorie «Venice Classics» de la Mostra de Venise 2022, est à voir sur ARTE le 5 juin à 23h35.
We are the Remakquels
Hope Vitti and Lux Wanderer formed the Remakquels at film school over a bond of no wave music and new wave cinema. FKA the Belmondoes, the pair now create and share sounds remotely.
Debut album Lost Wisdom is out now.
| #music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #godard
#music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #Godard
Actress in an Imaginary Place
A 15-minute recording of the Remakquels that showcases their more noise-centric live set.
It is backed by a manipulated version of the traffic jam sequence from Jean-Luc Godard’s Weekend.
The full version is on YouTube:
| #music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #godard
#music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #Godard
Out today – the debut album by the Remakquels.
Lost Wisdom’s lofi sound poems explore spectres of trauma – from illness and recovery, to haunted memory and imagination – by way of folklore, cinema and literature.
| #music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #godard
#music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #Godard
On Lost Wisdom the Remakquels find comfort and sadness in tired vinyl and cassette manipulation.
Sounds are slowed and smudged, grooves are depressed and melodies stretched and left hanging within sad static, foggy drones and warped tones.
Lost Wisdom is out tomorrow.
| #music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #godard
#music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #Godard
This photo art print is just one of the items that comes with the (now sold out 🙏) physical edition of the Remakquel’s debut album Lost Wisdom.
It also comes with two CDs, a live recording, a DIY zine, double-sided postcard, collage print and sticker.
| #music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #godard
#music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #Godard
Remake & remodel
On Lost Wisdom the Remakquels live up to their name, remaking and creating sonic sequels that wouldn’t exist without a relationship with its source material and a dialogue across books, films, histories, healthcare and psychogeography.
| #music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #godard
#music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #Godard
Lost Wisdom is the debut album by the Remakquels and explores spectres of personal trauma via cinema and literature.
The physical edition expands the world of the Remakquels and their influences.
Pre-order on Bandcamp ahead of its release on Monday.
| #music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #godard
#music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #Godard
Lost Wisdom is the debut album by the Remakquels.
It is available to pre-order on Bandcamp as a limited edition CD with bonus EP + live release, ‘behind the scenes’ zine, double-sided postcard, collage print, photo art print and sticker.
Out Monday.
| #music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #godard
#music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #Godard
The Remakquels
The debut album comes out on Monday.
Pre-order Lost Wisdom today.
Limited edition CD, zine and art pack + download.
| #music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #godard
#music #newmusic #bandcamp #drone #ambient #ambientmusic #experimental #experimentalmusic #electronicmusic #collage #collageart #collageartist #cinema #newwave #Godard
since every event changes my daily life, since I always fail to communicate, to understand, to love and be loved, and every failure deepens my solitude, since… Since… since I cannot escape the objectivity crushing me nor the subjectivity expelling me, since I cannot rise to a state of being nor collapse into nothingness… I have to listen, more than ever I have to look around me at the world, my fellow creature, my brother.” [2/2]
Jean-Luc Godard, 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her (1967).
“Maybe an object is what serves as a link between subjects, allowing us to live in society, to be together. But since social relations are always ambiguous, since my thoughts divide as much as unite, and my words unite by what they express and isolate by what they omit, since a wide gulf separates my subjective certainty of myself from the objective truth others have of me, since I constantly end up guilty, even though I feel innocent, [1/2]
“Me, in a word? Indifference.”
📷 Juliette Jeanson (Marina Vlady) in Jean-Luc Godard’s 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her (1967).
#nowwatching #Godard #frenchcinema
“Left and Right are the same. There’s no changing them! The Right because it’s so cruel it’s brainless. The Left because it’s sentimental. Besides… Left and Right are completely obsolete notions. We shouldn’t phrase things in those terms.”
“How then?”
📷 Anna Karina and Philippe Labro in Jean-Luc Godard’s Made In USA (1966).
#nowwatching #Godard #frenchcinema
I wrote about recurring visual motif of hands in Godard’s filmography and Pierrot le Fou:
#jeanlucgodard #godard #pierrotlefou #annakarina
#jeanlucgodard #Godard #pierrotlefou #annakarina
Videodrome (1983) - Cronenberg
Prenom Carmen (1983) - Godard
#godard #davidcronenberg #visualmotifs # film
#Godard #davidcronenberg #visualmotifs
Pierrot le fou (1965) - Godard
Stoker (2013) - Park
#visualmotifs #film #godard #parkchanwook #annakarina #miawasikowska
#visualmotifs #film #Godard #parkchanwook #annakarina #miawasikowska