#Magnus has now learned - thanks to HyperBrain 7s photographic memory - how to create a ritual to turn someone into a saint...
this power should not be in the hands of one as chaotic as I.... #GodlikeORE
The parties reactions to #Magnus have the Hyper Brain talent at 7d10 and "Pidgeon Wrangling" as a skill at 4d10 has been amazing :D
The party all survived, thankfully we have an astral projection who knows their stuff, and I roll Alchemy at 10d10 when I'm not under duress so I can heal killing damage.
Sadly, the party couldn't quite breathe that long underwater and while Magnus was distracting the security underwater (think LEGION from Castlevania) they were drowning, and have been captured by an as yet unknown BBEG while #Magnus - the group newbie - has escaped. Not knowing the groups fate sadly.
Roll20 has been far too kind to #Magnus the Gargoyle tonight. #GodlikeORE works on a pair being a success, and number being just how efficient you are. I hardly failed any tests... In a pool of 6 I got 3x10, that's some epic rolling and now I'm scared for future games... In a game were Vampires are the normal, and the Wyrd is everywhere... I'm really scared :3
So updates on my games..
#Aavia is still true chaotic, and is rapidly becoming a master of the elements, and is a fragment of a demigod of nature. oops. #dnd5e
#Magnus is ready for his first game tonight after much buildup. #GodlikeORE
#Vullyn and #Saria have been retired. #Seline - one of my prerolls - saw 1 session before the group fell apart :( Div wiz with Nat20 and Nat1 on portent D:
#Seline #saria #vullyn #GodlikeORE #Magnus #dnd5e #aavia