It looks like #SantaMonicaStudios is getting ready to make a new #GodOfWar
#santamonicastudios #godofwar #gaming #GodofWarRagnarok
God of War: Growth
Thank you Santa Monica Studio for the experience of a lifetime <3
Einblick für Nicht-Gamer: ›Geheimes‹ Ende von #GodofWarRagnarok ist wirklich schön. Finde es enorm, zu welch anrührendem Pathos Telespiele fähig sind. Kann den neuen GoW-Spielen viel abgewinnen und habe bei dem Wikinger-Begräbnis für Schmiedezwerg Brok grad tatsächlich ne angenehme Träne verdrückt. Hinterrücks gemeuchelt, sein Bruder Sindri immer noch komplett zerstört. Spiel-Komponist Bear McCreary ist als Drehgeigen-Zwerg mit dabei.
Obwohl ich in den letzten Monaten viel Freude mit #PS4-Spielen hatte und habe (#EldenRing, #GhostOfTsushima und derzeit #GodOfWarRagnarök), merk ich, wie meine Gamer-Phase langsam zu Ende geht. Als #PS5 rauskam, hab ich noch gedacht, dass ich mir die nach ein, zwei Jahren besorge. Jetzt gerade meinen »Reich durch Pfand«-Sparstrumpf aufgeräumt. Bar die Kohle für 2 PS5 in der Hand, aber null Bedarf mir die zu holen. Gutes Gras für 500 € wäre mir lieber.
#ps4 #eldenring #GhostofTsushima #GodofWarRagnarok #PS5
So I finished the main story of #GodOfWarRagnarok and, yep, I'm filled with father&son feels. I'm glad Kratos and Atreus are in a good place in their relationship finally.
I think I will just continue playing God of War: Ragnarok over Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The new Zelda seems like more of the same, based on reviews. Too much open-world for my taste. I like older Zelda games with more intricate dungeons and linear progression. Plus, more structured games with a good story, while sometimes giving room for exploration. Like God of War: Ragnarok.
#GodofWarRagnarok #godofwar #tearsofthekingdom #zelda
I just ordered the ps5 today and the first games I got are god of war Ragnarok and final fantasy 7 crisis core reunion #PS5 #GodofWarRagnarok #FinalFantasy7 #gaming
#PS5 #GodofWarRagnarok #finalfantasy7 #gaming
New #introduction day👋
Been here since 2019
I’m into #Movies #Gaming #Tech #MechanicalKeyboards #Watches #Cybersecurity
Currently playing 🎮
- #TheLastOfUsPart2
- #Cyberpunk2077
- #Fortnite
#GodofWarRagnarök is my all time fave
Favorite Movies/TV Shows 🎥
- Breaking bad
- Mr. Robot
- The Last Airbender
- Gravity Falls
- Severance
- Interstellar
- Lord of the Rings
- Ratatouille
- Grand Budapest Hotel
I’ll post about these things and my life in general.
I want this to be my cozy space 🥰
#GodofWarRagnarok #Fortnite #Cyberpunk2077 #Thelastofuspart2 #CyberSecurity #watches #mechanicalkeyboards #Tech #Gaming #Movies #Introduction
Similar. I've been doing a NG+ of #Witcher3 on #DeathMarch.
I've been avoiding big games this year like #HogwartsLegacy, #JediSurvivor, and #GodOfWarRagnarok (which is on my watch list and keeps getting cheaper), but i did pick up #LilGatorGame (short & cute), #MetroidPrimeRemastered and the #BurningShores DLC. I'm almost finished with the latter's story, and I think I'm most of the way through MP.
I know once #TearsOfTheKingdom is out, everything else is on hold indefinitely.
#tearsofthekingdom #burningshores #metroidprimeremastered #lilgatorgame #GodofWarRagnarok #JediSurvivor #HogwartsLegacy #deathmarch #witcher3
A new episode of THE BURN gaming podcast, hosted by myself and @yushuv
On this show: We travel back to Midgard to follow our favourite dad in #GodofWarRagnarok. Plus some gaming news!
Subscribe 🎧
Watch on YouTube ▶️
Evenin’ #Fediverse! Giving my #Xbox a break after #HighOnLife to go back to #PS5. So, which game do I start: #HorizonZeroDawn, #HorizonForbiddenWest, #ResidentEvilVillage, #TheLastOfUsPartII or #GodOfWarRagnarok? I need to do them all eventually; preferably before #StarWarsJediSurvivor and #TearsOfTheKingdom are released #Gaming #LotsOfHashtags
#lotsofhashtags #Gaming #tearsofthekingdom #StarWarsJediSurvivor #GodofWarRagnarok #thelastofuspartii #ResidentEvilVillage #HorizonForbiddenWest #HorizonZeroDawn #PS5 #highonlife #xbox #Fediverse
Evenin’ #Fediverse! Giving my #Xbox a break after #HighOnLife to go back to #PS5. So, which game do I start: #HorizonZeroDawn, #HorizonForbiddenWest, #ResidentEvilVillage, #TheLastOfUsPartII or #GodOfWarRagnarok? I need to do them all eventually; preferably before #StarWarsJediSurvivor and #TearsOfTheKingdom are released #Gaming #LotsOfHashtags
#lotsofhashtags #Gaming #tearsofthekingdom #StarWarsJediSurvivor #GodofWarRagnarok #thelastofuspartii #ResidentEvilVillage #HorizonForbiddenWest #HorizonZeroDawn #PS5 #highonlife #xbox #Fediverse
RT @bearmccreary
I am stunned and honored for my work on #GodofWarRagnarök to be recognized by my brilliant colleagues and dear friends in the game audio community, including Best Song, Best Main Theme, Best Soundtrack Album, and Music of the Year.
Thank you, all. ❤️🎶
A spoiler-filled discussion with the storytellers of the latest God of War about what it means to kill a character you love.
#GamesFeatures #GodofWar #Playstation5 #PlayStation4 #Playstation #Sony #GodofWarRagnarok
#gamesfeatures #godofwar #playstation5 #playstation4 #playstation #sony #GodofWarRagnarok
Der epische Soundtrack zu #GodofWarRagnarok erscheint auf Vinyl und ist jetzt vorbestellbar! Der Soundtrack umfasst 28 Stücke aus dem Abenteuer – gepresst auf drei schicke, blau marmorierte Vinyl-LPs. Eine Deutschland-exklusive Edition gibt es auch.
YouTuber Salari reviews a few of the increasingly more common examples of #PositiveMasculinity to be found in popular #VideoGames, in addition to shouting out smaller (and very cool) channels.
#BeAMan #BoostBus #SocialIssues #PatriarchyHurtsMenToo #GodOfWar #GodOfWarRagnarok #RDR2 #YakuzaSeries
#yakuzaseries #rdr2 #GodofWarRagnarok #godofwar #patriarchyhurtsmentoo #socialissues #boostbus #BEaMan #videogames #positivemasculinity
Seit gestern und bis zum 24. Februar läuft das #PlayStationPlus Fest der Spiele. Im Rahmen dieser Aktion können PlayStation-Plus-Mitglieder an diversen Aktivitäten teilnehmen. Unter anderem wartet eine dreistündige #GodofWarRagnarok-Demo.
#GodofWarRagnarok #playstationplus