“The passenger of the Ram 1500, a 64-year-old Valley woman, was pronounced deceased at the scene. The driver, a 73-year-old Valley man, suffered serious injuries and was transported to hospital by EHS.”
RT @RCMPNS@twitter.com
Halifax District RCMP is investigating a fatal collision that occurred on Hwy. 102 in #Goffs. http://rcmp-grc.ca/118781
RT @RCMPNS@twitter.com
Halifax District RCMP is investigating a fatal collision that occurred on Hwy. 102 in #Goffs. http://rcmp-grc.ca/118781
HWY 102 has reopened.
RT @RCMPNS@twitter.com
Update 12:55 p.m. - Hwy. 102 south in #Goffs has reopened.
RCMP NS: “We anticipate that Hwy. 102 south will remain closed until the late afternoon or evening.”
RT @RCMPNS@twitter.com
Update 11 a.m. - Hwy. 102 south in #Goffs is expected to be closed for several hours. At this time, there is no estimated time of reopening; the investigation is ongoing. We anticipate that Hwy. 102 south will remain closed until the late afternoon or evening.
RCMP HWY 102 Update:
RT @RCMPNS@twitter.com
Due to a collision, Hwy. 102 south near exit 5A in #Goffs is closed. Hwy. 102 north down to one lane. Detour is Hwy. 2 between #FallRiver and #Enfield:
Hwy. 102 south use Exit 7 at #Enfield, Hwy. 102 north use Exit 5 at #FallRiver, Hwy. 118 north use exit 14 at #MillerLake
#Goffs #FallRiver #Enfield #MillerLake
The crown jewel of my 20 yrs of #miniaturepainting , #Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka!! Done in my Goff army style of "2nd edition, but now!" 😁
Was featured in a #warhammercommunity article and chosen by #BlackLibrary author Nate Crowley (author of Ghaz's novel) as one of his favorite on the interwebs!
#paintingwarhammer #minipainting #wargaming #warmongers #warmaidens #Orks #Goffs #warhammer40k #40k
#miniaturepainting #Ghazghkull #warhammercommunity #blacklibrary #paintingwarhammer #minipainting #wargaming #warmongers #warmaidens #orks #Goffs #warhammer40k #40k