Gogol and an Americano from this morning. Went into these stories blind and had no idea Gogol was...fantasy? There's sorcerers and stuff?? I'm digging it though, some ideas seem fresh 250 years later. #books #coffee #philly #gogol #literature
#literature #Gogol #philly #Coffee #Books
@bigbeardedbookseller I just finished a book last night, so could start something new today, but I think I'll go back to the collected tales of Nikolai #Gogol. I read a few a couple of months ago, but while I was enjoying it, I did need to take a break!
"...it was one of those faces which is designated in common life as a 'jug phiz'." Nikolai #Gogol #DeadSouls
"...exactly like all taverns in provincial towns, where, for two roubles a day, travellers receive a sleeping-room with beetles which peep out of every corner like plums..." Nikolai #Gogol #DeadSouls