#LegendaryWednesday: The #TuathaDéDanann of the #Celtic #Otherworld `refined the art of brewing until the ale of their smith and brewer #Goibniu was strong enough to endow the drinker with immortality. #Irish epics connect ale with the festival of #Samhain, when the
#LegendaryWednesday #TuathaDéDanann #celtic #otherworld #Goibniu #irish #samhain
#LegendaryWednesday: The #TuathaDéDanann `refined the art of brewing until the ale of their smith and brewer #Goibniu was strong enough to endow the drinker with immortality. #Irish epics connect ale with #Samhain, the #Celtic festival, when the boundaries between this world and the #Otherworld were blurred.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
#LegendaryWednesday #TuathaDéDanann #Goibniu #irish #samhain #celtic #otherworld #mythology #folklore