@shift you are French and like metal so you probably already know of them but... #Gojira is 🔥🔥🔥
For #MusicEvolution Im going with #Gojira.
For the starter track, Im picking the third track of their 1996 demo tape Victim under the original band name Godzilla 🤓
Godzilla - Rigor Mortis (1996, Victim Demo Tape)
#Gojira opening at #ConcordPavillion
like the original vid by #Jessica9
#Gojira #concordpavillion #jessica9 #megamonsterstour
"34 canciones para recordar lo bueno que fue el 2003 para el #HeavyMetal"
#ArchEnemy - We Will Rise
#AvengedSevenfold - Chapter Four
#BetweenTheBuriedAndMe - Mordecai
#TheBlackDahliaMurder - Funeral Thirst
#ChildrenOfBodom - Needled 24/7
#Chimaira - Pure Hatred
#CradleOfFilth - The Promise of Fever
#DimmuBorgir - Progenies of the Great Apocalypse
#DreamTheater - As I Am
#Enslaved - Havenless
#EveryTimeIDie - Floater
#Gojira - The Link
#Hatebreed - Live For This
#HorseTheBand - Cutsman
#IronMaiden - Rainmaker
#IonDissonance - The Bud Dwyer Effect
#Katatonia - Evidence
#KingDiamond - The Puppet Master
#Korn - Right Now
#LambOfGod - 11th Hour
#LinkinPark - Numb
#MachineHead - Imperium
#MorbidAngel - Enshrined by Grace
#Mushroomhead - Sun Doesn't Rise
#Nevermore - I Voyager
#TheNumberTwelveLooksLikeYou - Jesus and Tori
#OldMansChild - Black Seeds on Virgin Soil
#Opeth - Windowpane
#Soilwork - Distortion Sleep
#Sevendust - Enemy
#StaticX - The Only
#StrappingYoungLad - Aftermath
#Trivium - Ember to Inferno
#TypeONegative - I Don't Wanna Be Me
#Metal #DeathMetal #BlackMetal #ThrashMetal #NuMetal #ProgressiveMetal #MetalProgresivo
#heavymetal #archenemy #avengedsevenfold #betweentheburiedandme #theblackdahliamurder #childrenofbodom #chimaira #cradleoffilth #dimmuborgir #dreamtheater #enslaved #everytimeidie #Gojira #hatebreed #horsetheband #ironmaiden #iondissonance #katatonia #kingdiamond #korn #LambOfGod #linkinpark #machinehead #MorbidAngel #mushroomhead #nevermore #thenumbertwelvelookslikeyou #oldmanschild #opeth #soilwork #sevendust #staticx #strappingyounglad #trivium #typeonegative #metal #deathmetal #blackmetal #thrashmetal #numetal #progressivemetal #metalprogresivo
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1sRockShowWithDanielPCarter
🎵 Our Time Is Now
#nowplaying #radio1srockshowwithdanielpcarter #bbcr1 #Gojira
Heavy weekend. 🤘❤️
Even if you are not into metal: Check out the lyrics and message of this song. Excellent.
The guys in Gojira are very engaged in social and environmental projects. 👍
#Gojira #metal #freetibet #rainforest
happy to hear #JohnMastodon decided to take some much needed down time and go on tour with #Gojira
Psyched to hear #JohnMastodon is taking some down time to go on tour with #Gojira.
#Gojira / #Mastodon / #LornaShore tour announced for 2023
@tweak Hi Adam. #bmth is great! I also like #CarSeatHeadrest and #Gojira. I mostly see local bands because I love the energy. It’s cool your son is #actuallyautic. Some things are hard for various reasons but everyone has great gifts as well. Hopefully we can find a way to use them to help the world.
#bmth #carseatheadrest #Gojira #actuallyautic
This year I photographed more than 250 bands & artists!
Thank you 2022 🫶
#sethpicturesmusic #sethabrikoos #metalmusic #metalhead #hornsup #metaldrummer #gojira #mercyfulfate #brutalassault #zealandardor #fotograaf #photographer #photography #sonyalpha #sonyalphashots
#sonyalphashots #SonyAlpha #photography #photographer #fotograaf #zealandardor #brutalassault #MercyfulFate #Gojira #metaldrummer #hornsup #metalhead #metalmusic #sethabrikoos #sethpicturesmusic
Gojira live performance of Amazonia
on French television show Quotidien
#Gojira #Metal #ProgressiveMetal #GrooveMetal #Amazonia #Fortitude
#Gojira #metal #progressivemetal #groovemetal #amazonia #fortitude
"Our Only Goal Is To Bring Something Positive' For Humanity"
oB strong. Be compassionate,'" he said. "And there's nothing cheesy or lame about it. Talking about love and understanding and compassion and self-love and self-respect and respect toward other beings, humans and animals."
#Music #Metal #Gojira #MetalMusic
Watching Mario rip into this #drum solo is so good.
#music #metal #Gojira #metalmusic #drum
What bands/artists do i like?
In no particular order... #opeth #ghost #haken #thewildhearts #nineinchnails #heilung #radiohead #davidbowie #cellardarling #crashtestdummies #poppy #thebeatles #babymetal #faithnomore #gingerwildheart #myrath #deadcross #monarch #theinterrupters #oceansofslumber #sikth #theknife #zealandardor #carbomb #devintownsend #gojira ... And many more!
#opeth #ghost #haken #thewildhearts #nineinchnails #heilung #radiohead #davidbowie #cellardarling #crashtestdummies #poppy #thebeatles #BabyMetal #faithnomore #gingerwildheart #myrath #DeadCross #monarch #TheInterrupters #oceansofslumber #sikth #theknife #zealandardor #carbomb #devintownsend #Gojira
Ok, let’s get some bands going on a hashtag here and see if I can pick up some more #metal followers; #InFlames #LambOfGod #ArchEnemy #SleepToken #BuryTomorrow #Godsmack #ZealandAdor #Gojira #DevinTownsend #BobVylan #AmigoTheDevil #CoheedandCambria #OfVirtue #MillieMandersAndTheShutUp #ParkwayDrive #AliceInChains just to name a few…
#aliceinchains #parkwaydrive #milliemandersandtheshutup #OfVirtue #coheedandcambria #AmigoTheDevil #bobvylan #devintownsend #Gojira #zealandador #godsmack #BuryTomorrow #SleepToken #ArchEnemy #lambofgod #inflames #metal