@SarahEggers Vorsicht, 3 mal klickern aktiviert die Sprengladung #GoldenEye #007
Natalya regelt das schon 😁
#Nintendo #GoldenEye #Retro #N64 #ShareYourGames #Gaming #Zocken #Daddeln
#nintendo #Goldeneye #retro #n64 #shareyourgames #gaming #Zocken #daddeln
Happy #RetroMontag :ablobcatwave:
War ja klar das #GoldenEye vom #Nintendo64 heute kommt 😅
Wir haben mal eben die Hälfte durch gezockt, gestern und heute morgen😅 😎
Bringt immer noch Laune. Mit dem N64 Controller geht das auf der Switch klar 😄 Uns reicht das auf jeden Fall voll aus👍
#RetroMonday #Retrogaming #N64 #NintendoSwitchOnline #Gaming #Zocken #ShareYourGames #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #Rareware
#retromontag #Goldeneye #nintendo64 #retromonday #retrogaming #n64 #nintendoswitchonline #gaming #Zocken #shareyourgames #nintendo #nintendoswitch #rareware
Ich nenne es das „#Goldeneye“ #wochenende #nowwatching
#Goldeneye #wochenende #nowwatching
Kurzes Fazit zu den beiden #ReRelease-Titeln von Freitag:
#DeadSpace spielt sich auch in der Remake-Fassung absolut fantastisch! Man ist als Kenner der Reihe sofort drin ❤️
Es wundert mich tatsächlich, dass Rare‘s #GoldenEye auch heute noch spielerisch so gut funktioniert. Außerdem wurde die Optik sorgfältig überarbeitet 👍
#rerelease #deadspace #Goldeneye
When you're so engrossed on your phone game while taking a shit you don't even notice someone shooting your hat off your head...
#Goldeneye #goldeneye64 #nintendo
Those howls of disbelief and disappointment that you keep hearing this weekend are the cries of a million middle-aged gamers playing #GoldenEye again for the first time in 25 years...
Whoever mapped the controls for #Goldeneye on the #nintendo switch was asleep on the job and certainly didn’t test it widely. Have a look online for remapping suggestions which work so much better. The Xbox version is fine so it seems clear that the switch version wasn’t tested extensively enough.
I can neither confirm, nor deny that I have been playing #Goldeneye on the Xbox today. #retrogame #007 #JamesBond
#Goldeneye #retrogame #jamesbond
Friday ruined. #Goldeneye only available if you have a digital copy of Rare Replay. Fuming.
News des Tages: #goldeneye 007 Xbox Series, Xbox One & Switch am 27.01.*Angeblich Bethesda Medien-Event Anfang März*Quartalsergebnis: Microsoft macht über EUR 15 Mrd. Gewinn*#Remnant From the Ashes für Switch am 21.03.*#CavernsofMars: Recharged & Journey to the Savage Planet (PS5/XSX) angekündigt*TheDayBefore verschoben*Hacker-Angriff auf Riot Games: Quellcode von League of Legends gestohlen*Probleme mit ESRB: Veröffentlichungsdatum von AEW Fight Forever in der Schwebe*
#Goldeneye #remnant #cavernsofmars
#GoldenEye007 will be available for everyone with a #NintendoSwitch Online + Expansion Pack membership
#GLG #gamenews #Goldeneye #goldeneye007 #nintendoswitch
Wenn #microsoft übermorgen #goldeneye dropped nehm Ich erstmal gelben Urlaub …👋
ICYMI: It's easy to think of James Bond as a lone-wolf secret agent, but he's had some important allies over the years. We put together a list of some of the most important ones.
#JamesBond #Bond #007 #DrNo #Goldeneye #Goldfinger #LiveAndLetDie
#jamesbond #Bond #drno #Goldeneye #goldfinger #liveandletdie
It's easy to think of James Bond as a lone-wolf secret agent, but he's had some important allies over the years. We put together a list of some of the most important ones.
#JamesBond #Bond #007 #DrNo #Goldeneye #Goldfinger #LiveAndLetDie
#jamesbond #Bond #drno #Goldeneye #goldfinger #liveandletdie
It's easy to think of James Bond as a lone-wolf secret agent, but he's had some important allies over the years. We put together a list of some of the most important ones.
#JamesBond #Bond #007 #DrNo #Goldeneye #Goldfinger #LiveAndLetDie
#jamesbond #Bond #drno #Goldeneye #goldfinger #liveandletdie