MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
354 followers · 11187 posts · Server


is just one of many tools. The 'I'm too cool to vote' attitude is bollocks.

If more people voted in France there easily could've been, at the very least, Melenchon v Macron, if not a win for Melenchon in the second go.

We could've had a Prime Minister Corbyn in the UK.

was a white supremacist far right nutter in the USA, who in 1980 made a speech referred to online as the , where he clearly stated that he didn't want everyone in the country to vote because if more people vote, the rightwing agenda is weakened.

#voting #PaulWeyrich #GooGooSyndromeSpeech #anarchistsvote

Last updated 2 years ago