> I like VS Code. But I wish there was an easy place to log this bet, like #Metaculus or #GoodJudgementProject, superforecaster style. I’d bet long odds today that VS Code will be replaced in Lindy-time.
I haven't encountered that exact usage of "lindy-time" before – are you saying that you believe vscode's future lifespan is lower than its past lifespan? I.e., that it'll be essentially dead in ~5 years?
I *don't* like vscode but would take the other side of that bet
#metaculus #GoodJudgementProject
> I like VS Code. But I wish there was an easy place to log this bet, like #Metaculus or #GoodJudgementProject, superforecaster style. I’d bet long odds today that VS Code will be replaced in Lindy-time.
I haven't encountered that exact usage of "lindy-time" before – are you saying that you believe vscode's future lifespan is lower than its past lifespan? I.e., that it'll be essentially dead in ~5 years?
I *don't* like vscode but would take the other side of that bet
#metaculus #GoodJudgementProject