#JustWatched season two of #GoodOmens. It has a different feeling from the first one and does a great job of fleshing out Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship.
I could never shake the feeling that a second season wasn't really necessary, and I would've been happy if they just stuck to adapting the #book. Overall it was solidly written, and now I've seen the second season I would certainly like a third.
#justwatched #goodomens #book #GoodOmens2
Watched the last couple of episodes of #GoodOmens2 last night. I can highly recomment it if you've not seen it already.
When I watched #GoodOmens2 I think I didn't get it (although I enjoyed it).
There were these niggling things I had to keep dismissing - the first one was extremely mundane "why are these Eccles cakes given so much prominence but then they just disappear??"
Then I wondered where was our narrator? Mcdormand is in episode 2 which makes the absence conspicuous.
There was a whole slew of other things that seemed odd but I waved them away because I wanted to enjoy myself...
Today was a pretty good day! I ran to the high school to pick up the text book for the intensive class starting Friday, then went to a friend’s place and finally watched #GoodOmens2. It was nice to actually hang out with a friend instead of my normal terminal onlineness.
The next few days are gonna be super busy, though. I’m going over to a friend’s tomorrow to basically take her old computer apart, then teaching Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Moi, face à la vie en ce moment… 😐
Même énergie…
#GoodOmens #goodomens2 heartbreakingly beautiful fan song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuQTR8vXXr0
Oh ich binn jetzt mit der zweiten Staffel fertig und diese Anspielungen auf Dr. Who.
Ich liebe es.
Die Staffel hat für mich viel mehr aus einem Guss gewirkt als die erste Staffel. Beelzebub und Gabriel :blobcatlove:
Ich kann die Serie nur weiter empfehlen.
Attempting to sooth my deep craving for more #goodomens2 now includes watching #staged, the (to me) previously unknown show, set and shot during the actual lockdowns in spring 2020, via zoom calls. It's an unexpected window into other people's lockdown experiences for me. The participants are actors playing heightened versions of themselves, but doing so in their own homes on their own computers - similar to what US late night tv hosts did.
De soundtrack van #GoodOmens2 staat online https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=xn8gvki-g84&list=OLAK5uy_lg6kTiCwnAixo4GDIbunR9nXiVUz8iBQQ
I was lukewarm on Good Omens Season 1, but Season 2 is just downright painful to watch.
Was ich bisher so von #GoodOmens und #GoodOmens2 gelesen und gesehen habe, handelt es sich um eine Geschichte, in der es um Liebe geht. Es ist wundervoll! :mastolove:
Sometimes you see a ridiculous thing in a TV show and you have a mighty need. #GoodOmens2
À mi-parcours des 6 épisodes, je confirme la première impression
From: @cayetanensis
J’ai l’impression que #GoodOmens2 est la série parfaite pour cette fin d’été
Ich kann jetzt endlich in Worte fassen, was mit mir los ist, seit ich #GoodOmens2 gesehen habe: ich habe Stellvertreter-Liebeskummer. Das ist mir seit Urzeiten nicht mehr passiert. 😭💔
@neilhimself broke my heart and I can't even be mad at him!