bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

"..abuses that long predated the pandemic suddenly received so much more attention during it. It’s a lesson, perhaps, about the relationship between speed and solidarity...moving at the velocity of pre-pandemic life, endlessly striving and climbing, frantically making sure that we do not fall behind, busyness... as a deadening agent... time to think about who makes our stuff or where our trash goes or what wars" sounds like

#FasterSpeed #GoodSamaritanStudy #naomiklein

Last updated 3 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

'... when someone is kind to another, is that because he or she has some qualities within that lead to —or because some situational factors simply...allow for kind behaviors... people.. religious for intrinsic reasons were no more likely than others.. to help...10% of participants in the “late” condition stopped to help the stranger...'
At least 10% tend to be decent even if they are running late...

#activityrhythm #speed #faster #GoodSamaritanStudy #kindness #innate

Last updated 3 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

About ten years ago I read of this in 's . His comments come to mind a lot and I finally remembered enough about the study for successful on-line searches. I wonder if the study is meaningful to me because I read of it in Growing Up Absurd, and kept coming back to in... If mentions of the study just flashed by with speed on the screen, I might not be thinking about it so much..

#GrowingUpAbsurd #PaulGoodman #GoodSamaritanStudy

Last updated 3 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

'... the vast majority of those who thought they were late did not stop to help. In other words, the perception of time pressure or “having limited time” resulted in behaviors incongruent to their education and career: the devotion to help others. Time pressure triggered these well-intentioned students to behave in ways that, upon reflection, they would find disgraceful. '

#activityrhythm #TimePressure #speed #faster #hurried #busy #late #GoodSamaritanStudy

Last updated 3 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

The suggests (to me) that being busy, or hurried, makes us mean... or stupid... "cognition was narrowed" means being stupid: , ... Something to think about in the of , might not be better.

#faster #speed #attentioneconomy #inconsiderate #inattentive #GoodSamaritanStudy

Last updated 3 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

'The amount of "hurriness" induced in the subject had a major effect on helping behavior, but the task variable did not...Overall 40% offered some help to the victim. In low hurry situations, 63% helped, medium hurry 45% and high hurry 10%...a person in a hurry is less likely to help people..thinking about norms does not imply that one will act on them...Or maybe .. cognition was narrowed by the hurriedness.. '

#GoodSamaritanStudy #speed #hurriness #busy #goodsamaritan

Last updated 3 years ago