Destruction of the #KakhovkaDam & Raids Into #Russia
#kakhovkadam #russia #GoodTimesBadTimes #UkraineWar #grandstrategy
Should We Prepare For (the Next) Break-up of #Russia?
#russia #GoodTimesBadTimes #UkraineWar #grandstrategy #geopolitics #putin #EndOfEmpire
Good update on #YouTube from #GoodTimesBadTimes regarding #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine. As a non-expert, I'll accept their analysis at face value, especially since I've heard many of the same conclusions from other sources I consider to be reliable. Some of them are very troubling for the Ukrainian side.
#youtube #GoodTimesBadTimes #russia #ukraine
300 Days of The War of Civilisations.
#GoodTimesBadTimes #ukraine #usa #russia #turkey #china #geostrategy #europe
#Russia Mobilizes Up To 1 Million Troops.
#russia #GoodTimesBadTimes #ukraine #grandstrategy #putin
A Vision of A Country.
The Fifth-Project for Ukraine.
#Ukraine is battling for its life while the battle of ideas takes place in the shadow.
see also the comments for counter balance.
#GoodTimesBadTimes #ukraine #OleksiyArestovich #grandstrategy #russia #UkraineWar
Western deliveries to reverse the course of #war?
War. Day 60. Special Report
#war #ukraine #russia #nato #eu #geostrategy #GoodTimesBadTimes
17 mins
#RussoUkrainian #War Creates New Security Architecture in #Europe.
#GrandStrategy #GoodTimesBadTimes
Notable claims:
1) Hesitation by #France & #Germany, while U.S., U.K. & Eastern Europe support of #Ukraine, & accession to #NATO by #Sweden & #Finland demonstrates emerging rift & change in European Security
2) #Russia lost 35% of tanks sent to Ukraine
3) Ukrainian leaders deliberately didn’t warn of invasion for fear of refugees hampering defense response
#RussoUkrainian #war #europe #grandstrategy #GoodTimesBadTimes #france #germany #ukraine #nato #sweden #finland #russia
Will the invasion of Ukraine lead to #Russia's collapse?
#war #geostrategy #russia #ukraine #GoodTimesBadTimes #eu
War stagnation signals #Ukraine is fighting for full stakes? Day 25.
1) Ukrainian leaders expected this war from 2 years ago (including the destruction it would cause and specifics of the offensives) and saw it as their best chance to solidify independence from #Russia.
2) Ukrainian leadership Goal is no compromise and an outcome BETTER than before the start of hostilities.
#ukraine #russia #GoodTimesBadTimes #eu #nato #china #newworldorder
12 mins 41 secs
Russo-Ukrainian war shapes #NewWorldOrder. Day 20.
This analysis is pretty consistent with the predictions of #PeterZeihan and #JohnMearscheimer
#Ukraine #Russia #EU #War #GrandStrategy #China #GoodTimesBadTimes
#JohnMearscheimer #ukraine #russia #eu #war #grandstrategy #china #GoodTimesBadTimes #newworldorder #peterzeihan
14 mins 12 secs
#Ukraine War. Day 14. Special Report (Mar 11)
#GoodTimesBadTimes #ukraine #russia #grandstrategy #nato