Via Tennessee Rep. Justin Jones:
The Censured Caucus is united in our fight against fascism! Great to welcome Montana State Rep. @ZoAndBehold to Tennessee and plot some good trouble!! 💪🏾💛📢
#GoodTrouble #JustinJones #Tennessee #ZoeZephyr #Montana #FightFascism #DemocracyNow
#democracynow #fightfascism #montana #zoezephyr #tennessee #justinjones #GoodTrouble
@killick @NorCal_Lynne @Deglassco
great reply
John Lewis is a bridge to a better future. Super cool stamp! #GoodTrouble
@Deglassco His presence is sorely missed, without him there has been a void, we need more elected officials to get into some #GoodTrouble.
Halfway through #PrideMonth 🌈
Have a #meme
#Pride #LGBTQIA #GoodTrouble #LoveIsLove #BiPride #GoodIdea #SupportTransRights #FuckOffTERFs
#PrideMonth #meme #pride #LGBTQIA #GoodTrouble #loveislove #bipride #goodidea #supporttransrights #fuckoffterfs
Along the same line of reasoning, the saying “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all!” is just some bull💩 made up by shitty people who didn’t want to ever give up any of their power!
#IfYouSeeSomethingSaySomething #resist #GoodTrouble
#GreysAnatomy #Station19 #YoungSheldon #SoHelpMeTodd #CSIVegas #LawAndOrder #SVU #OrganizedCrime #MrsDavis #XOKitty #TheOne #ISurvivedBearGrylls #TexasTrueCrime #AngelCity #CriticalMinutes #NBA #NHL #GoodTrouble #AskingForAFriend
#askingforafriend #GoodTrouble #nhl #nba #criticalminutes #angelcity #texastruecrime #isurvivedbeargrylls #theone #xokitty #MrsDavis #organizedcrime #svu #lawandorder #CSIVegas #SoHelpMeTodd #youngsheldon #Station19 #greysanatomy
RT @Melissa4HD23
Quelling free speech by the “freedom”caucus under the guise of decorum. #GoodTrouble
TV TONIGHT (April 20)
#StarTrekPicard #TheDiplomat #FiredOnMars #MrsDavis #Ruthless #BeavisAndButtHead #DangerForce #MasterMinds #GrownAndGospel #StillAMystery #TopChef #AViewToKillFor #GreysAnatomy #AnimalControl #GoodTrouble #CityConfidential #NBA #NHL
#nhl #nba #cityconfidential #GoodTrouble #animalcontrol #greysanatomy #aviewtokillfor #topchef #stillamystery #grownandgospel #masterminds #dangerforce #BeavisAndButtHead #ruthless #MrsDavis #firedonmars #thediplomat #startrekpicard
I see the spirit of the late John Lewis & the late Elijah Cummings when I see the resolve & strength of Justin Pearson & Justin Jones.
We are witnessing history parallels.
Democracy will be triumphant.
RT @brotherjones_
“A resolution to expel Justin Jones from his seat as a member of the House of Representatives…”
Just handed this on the House floor, but they still have to vote. We’ll not be intimidated. THE PEOPLE are demanding we act to stop kids from being murdered in school. #goodtrouble
I love Michelle Obama, and when she said “when they go low we go high” she wasn’t advising people to be doormats. Causing “good trouble” as the late John Lewis advised can be the high response. Also, Jesus the Christ knew when to break it down for the money changers and throw them out of the temple. #GoodTrouble
#KamalaHarris to #JustinJones, #JustinPearson and young Americans:
“We need you. Every movement… that has been about progress in our country, was led by young leaders like #JohnLewis, Diane Nash, and you: the Justins….
We will not be defeated. We will not be deterred. We will not throw up our hands when it is time to roll up our sleeves. We will fight, we will lead, we will speak with truth! We will speak about freedom and justice, and we will march on!”
#GoodTrouble #JohnLewis #justinpearson #justinjones #kamalaharris
I am an old hippie who's NEVER been silent but have been told to calm down & stfu all my life.
I've learned that, in every generation, there have been folks making #GoodTrouble
It just suits the suits to divvy us up by generation & let the kids think all the elders are their enemies
Anti-fa uses a tactic that scares the proponents of White supremacy. Its called doxxing . Its the naming and shaming of all the proponent’s of racism. It’s videos, photos, addresses, phone numbers of racists.
GOP lawmakers in gerrymandered districts think there will be no consequences . No one knows who they are. Wrong!
We need to name and shame them. A people under attack must defend themselves. Non-violently.#GoodTrouble
RT @brotherjones_
“A resolution to expel Justin Jones from his seat as a member of the House of Representatives…”
Just handed this on the House floor, but they still have to vote. We’ll not be intimidated. THE PEOPLE are demanding we act to stop kids from being murdered in school. #goodtrouble
TV TONIGHT (March 30)
#Unstable #LoneStarMurders #PromPact #AlaskaDaily #RapCaviarPresents #FromMeToYou #BelAir #LawAndOrder #RoomingWithDanger #Walker #NextLevelChef #SoHelpMeTodd #TopChef #TheFlippingElMoussas #GrownAndGospel #GoodTrouble
#GoodTrouble #grownandgospel #theflippingelmoussas #topchef #SoHelpMeTodd #nextlevelchef #walker #roomingwithdanger #lawandorder #BelAir #frommetoyou #rapcaviarpresents #alaskadaily #prompact #lonestarmurders #unstable
Miguel Pinzon and David Terry to Recur on Freeform's "Good Trouble" #GoodTrouble #Freeform
TV TONIGHT (March 23)
#RHUGT #RHOM #CityConfidential #TheNightAgent #TheLessonIsMurder #Zatima #NCAATournament #GreysAnatomy #LawAndOrder #NextLevelChef #Walker #RestaurantImpossible #SwampPeople #MarriedToRealEstate #ATimeToKill #TopChef #GoodTrouble
#GoodTrouble #topchef #ATimeToKill #marriedtorealestate #swamppeople #restaurantimpossible #walker #nextlevelchef #lawandorder #greysanatomy #NCAATournament #zatima #thelessonismurder #thenightagent #cityconfidential #rhom #rhugt
TV TONIGHT (March 16)
#GoodTrouble #ShadowAndBone #ZatimaOnBETPlus #WolfPack #QueensCourt #GrownAndGospel #ButchersOfTheBayou #StillTime #GreysAnatomy #NCAATournament #NextLevelChef #ATimeToKill #MarriedToRealEstate #GhostAdventures #TopChef #XFL
#xfl #topchef #ghostadventures #marriedtorealestate #ATimeToKill #nextlevelchef #NCAATournament #greysanatomy #stilltime #butchersofthebayou #grownandgospel #queenscourt #wolfpack #zatimaonbetplus #ShadowandBone #GoodTrouble