Good vs. Evil? Nah.
My stories aren't for everyone.
Some people want it dark, and my books are not that. They have dark moments, and people who do bad things, but the overall atmosphere is hopeful.
#Characters #Writing #CASOD #GoodVsEvil #ISYK #WritingCommunity
#characters #writing #casod #GoodVsEvil #isyk #writingcommunity
#Trump2024 #DrainTheSwamp #WeThePeople #AmericasChildren #AmericaFirst #MAGA #SaveAmerica #FairAndFreeElections #HealthFreedom #Covid19Investigations #NoMedicalTyranny #StopBigPharma #BigPharma #TeamHumanity #TrumpIsTheOneToLeadAmericaAsFounded #EndTheDuelJusticeSystem #DOIJ #DeptOfInjustice #EndCCPInfluenceInAmericanSocietyAndGovernment #AmericaWasNotFoundedAsCommunist #FightGlobalCommunism #StopTheSatanicGlobalistCabal #Freedom #Liberty #LibertyVsTyranny #GoodVsEvil #GodBlessAmerica #Psalm70 #Psalm23 #Jn1-5 #ShineTheLight #ExposeDarkness
#trump2024 #draintheswamp #wethepeople #americaschildren #americafirst #maga #saveamerica #FairAndFreeElections #HealthFreedom #Covid19Investigations #nomedicaltyranny #StopBigPharma #BigPharma #teamhumanity #TrumpIsTheOneToLeadAmericaAsFounded #EndTheDuelJusticeSystem #DOIJ #DeptOfInjustice #EndCCPInfluenceInAmericanSocietyAndGovernment #AmericaWasNotFoundedAsCommunist #FightGlobalCommunism #StopTheSatanicGlobalistCabal #freedom #liberty #LibertyVsTyranny #GoodVsEvil #godblessamerica #Psalm70 #psalm23 #Jn1 #ShinetheLight #ExposeDarkness
‘Red flags everywhere’: high court asks Catholic church why it didn’t investigate priest’s abuse 50 years ago
This high court challenge is quite simply a battle of #GoodVsEvil #TaxChurchesNow
#GoodVsEvil #faith #science #empathy #empty Interesting take. Take look at bio for reference point🙂
#GoodVsEvil #faith #science #empathy #empty
@Michele this means a lot. We have to get them. All of them. This is the fight right now. #NoOneLeftBehind #TwitterRefugees #GoodVsEvil
#nooneleftbehind #twitterrefugees #GoodVsEvil
Naomi Wolf - We're Now in the Last Stage of a Tyrannical Takeover
#WakeUpAmerica #GoodVsEvil #FreedomvsTyranny #GodWins but will #Humanity ? How many casualties? Only if we wake up #ShineTheLight #PrayForAmerica #Freedom #PrayForHumanity
#PrayForHumanity #freedom #prayforamerica #ShinetheLight #humanity #godwins #FreedomvsTyranny #GoodVsEvil #wakeupamerica
#CovidCommunism #MedicalTyranny #GlobalTyranny #GreatAwakening #GoodVsEvil #DarknessToLight #ShineTheLight #ExposeDarkness #StopClotShot #NoMandates #HealthFreedom #Fauci #Gates
#gates #fauci #HealthFreedom #NoMandates #StopClotShot #ExposeDarkness #ShinetheLight #DarknessToLight #GoodVsEvil #greatawakening #globaltyranny #medicaltyranny #CovidCommunism
@EdS Given this definition of "harm or badness":
Sum total of human misery.
Supposing there were to be invented a method to kill every human on Earth instantly and with no pain. Untold billions of future generations would never be born, to suffer pain, loss, grief, and their own mortality.
By your definition, would this be a net good or a net harm?
Or would you choose another definition of harm or badness?