🔔 Attention companies: the Swedish watchdog warns against using #GoogleAnalytics over #Data Protection risks linked to U.S. surveillance.
#Technology #CyberSecurity #gdpr #Privacy #Data #GoogleAnalytics
eicker.news #technews »#Stop using #GoogleAnalytics, warns #Sweden’s #privacywatchdog, as it issues over $1M in fines: It has also warned other companies against use of Google’s tool.« https://techcrunch.com/2023/07/03/google-analytics-sweden-gdpr-fines/
#technews #Stop #GoogleAnalytics #sweden #privacywatchdog
Updated my site to move away from #GoogleAnalytics to Umami! GA has been great, but time for a change and just need something simple. It is encouraging seeing the analytics of you content, but I don't need to sell you anything either. Google was making something simple, complicated and profiting from it as well.
#Website #analytics #umami #GoogleAnalytics
What is your favorite alternative to Google Analytics? Looking for some that still has a free tier for cloud and maybe even a self hosted option.
#GoogleAnalytics #analytics #Web
☝🏼 Ab 1. Juli 2023 ist Google Analytics 4 Standard. Ich erkläre in meinem Beitrag zusammengefasst, ob die Nutzung datenschutzrechtlich zulässig ist und wie man die DSGVO-Risiken mindert (ja, Alternativen zu nutzen ist die beste Option 😉)
#google #googleanalytics #ga4 #googleanalytics4 #tracking #onlinemarketing #webanalytics #DSGVO
#google #GoogleAnalytics #ga4 #googleanalytics4 #tracking #onlinemarketing #webanalytics #dsgvo
Good morning everybody. I'm looking for a good YouTube video to explain Google Analytics. #GoogleAnalytics
GA4 heeft nieuwe updates doorgevoerd en heeft ook een aantal nieuwe updates aangekondigd: https://frankwatching.com/archive/2023/02/07/updates-google-analytics-4-overstappen/ #GoogleAnalytics #GA4 #Marketing
#marketing #GA4 #GoogleAnalytics
Het stormt in analytics-land en veel gebruikers aan klant- én bureauzijde hebben moeite om de ontwikkelingen bij te benen. In dit artikel de 4 belangrijkste trends: https://www.frankwatching.com/archive/2023/01/02/analytics-trends-2023-jaarplan/ #GoogleAnalytics #Marketing
Dear #GoogleAnalytics & #analytics community from EU: how/where should I store cookie consents according to #GDPR ? A cookie with true/false statements (like Klaro does it, for instance) is fine? Or should I store those opt-ins and outs in some log/database?
I don't ask about cloud-based CMPs, I want to know if I would be able to avoid another third-party service for a small website.
#gdpr #analytics #GoogleAnalytics
Major tax-filing websites secretly share income data with Meta https://arstechnica.com/?p=1899620 #InternalRevenueService #GoogleAnalytics #MetaPixel #taxpayer #Policy #google #meta
#Google #Policy #meta #InternalRevenueService #GoogleAnalytics #MetaPixel #taxpayer
#GoogleAnalytics has become so complicated—I can't even get the simple data I want from it. I'm thinking of switching to Plausible Analytics because I'd rather just pay for something simple, rather than get something stupid complicated for free.
Anyone have any insights on Plausible they'd like to share?
#plausible #analytics #WebDev #webdesign #GoogleAnalytics
Al langere tijd volg ik noyb.eu voor hun dagelijkse samenvatttingen van #AVG #GDPR beslissingen uit heel de EU. Zoals vandaag een Hongaarse uitspraak dat #GoogleAnalytics niet kan (niet de 1e uitspraak die dat stelt). Op @noybeu vind je ze ook hier op M.
Let's do it in English too: in countries where #GoogleAnalytics is now illegal, can companies ask #Google for reparation to help them move their analytics to e.g. @Matomo or @plausible ?
Would it be feasible to organize some common lawsuit?
Maybe @noybeu would know?
:google: 🕵🏽 🇮🇹 The #Italy #privacy authority has banned the use of #GoogleAnalytics "because it transfers users’ data to the #USA, which is a country without an adequate level of #dataProtection." #Google
#Google #dataProtection #USA #GoogleAnalytics #privacy #Italy
#GoogleAnalytics recalé?
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RT @neuber_michael@twitter.com
Zeit für ein paar klarstellende Infos zu Google Analytics. Please read here: #googleanalytics #privacy https://blog.google/around-the-globe/google-europe/google-analytics-facts/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/neuber_michael/status/1481749016731955205
@piratpartiet I find most #disappointing that the #pirateparty of all parties posts links that contain #GoogleAnalytics query strings 😕
#GoogleAnalytics #pirateparty #disappointing
Gibt es irgendwo schon Datenschutzerklärungsmuster für Google Analytics 4 und Google Signals? Alles was ich finde bezieht sich auf die alte universal analytics.
#googleanalytics #dsgvo #nichtlustig
#GoogleAnalytics #dsgvo #nichtlustig