🤡Shills want you to believe Bernie's "adjustments" like , LOWER the and EXPAND benefits of are the same as other's who want to do the EXACT opposite!

#onlyberniebeatstrump #OnlyBernieCaresAboutYOU #notmeus #bernieorbust #GoogleBernie #socialsecurity #retirementage #ScrapTheCap

Last updated 5 years ago

RT @gonewest05@twitter.com

.@BernieSanders@twitter.com gets an A rating from The Center for Biological Diversity on "saving wildlife, protecting public lands, ensuring environmental justice & ending the climate crisis." twitter.com/LeftFlankVets/stat

🐦🔗: twitter.com/gonewest05/status/

#notmeus #GoogleBernie

Last updated 5 years ago