Does anybody have experience with #DeepLabCut and a workflow including #GoogleCollab?
I'm looking at the documentation and feeling a bit lost.
Super extra plus points if you have used a pre-trained #ModelZoo and annotated extra frames for better performance.
@ecologies #AnimalBehavior #AnimalBehaviour #ComputerVision @academicchatter
#computervision #animalbehaviour #animalbehavior #ModelZoo #GoogleCollab #DeepLabCut
@sunarch @birnim I’ve heard both good and not so good things about PyCharm. My goal is minimalism. Trying #vim first. However I do use a Chromebook most of the time so really I’m doing most of my toying around with things in #GoogleCollab
If you haven’t used it, it’s super simple and easy to get started.
If anyone here has actually gotten #Dreambooth to run - either locally on <12GB, or on a #collab - please let me know. I've wasted too much of my life already on this :Þ
GPU available: True, used: True
RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED when calling `cublasLtMatmul
#dreambooth #collab #cuda #VastAI #GoogleCollab #stablediffusion