September 10, 1907, birthday of Australian #geologist and #palaeontologist Dorothy Hill. Fighting in WWII she continued her studies on coral reef stratigraphy. In 2018 #GoogleDoodle celebrated her legacy ⚒️
#GoogleDoodle #palaeontologist #geologist
122. Geburtstag von Dr. Mod Helmy #GoogleDoodle
S. z. B.
O Doodle de hoje tá demais, tem de ver!
204º Aniversário de Eunice Newton Foote! #GoogleDoodle
Today’s #GoogleDoodle celebrates the 204th birthday of Eunice Newton Foote - American naturalist who first demonstrated in a scientific experiment the role of greenhouse gases in controlling #Earth's temperature 🌡️
🖊️ Kamala Sohonie – Pionierin der indischen Biochemie: Kamala Sohonie - Pionierin der indischen Biochemie und erste indische Frau mit einem Doktortitel in Naturwissenschaften
Kamala Sohonie (18. Juni 1911 - 28. Juni 1998) war eine indische Biochemikerin und wurde 1939 als erste indische Frau in einem wissenschaftlichen Fach promoviert. Ihre bahnbrechende ... ➡️ #TechnikForschung #GoogleDoodle
#Technikforschung #GoogleDoodle
Le #GoogleDoodle d'aujourd'hui représente une #poutine. J'ai mon voyage. Quand je pense combien la poutine a été utilisée dans les années 80-90 pour rabaisser les québécois au rang de "petite gens sans raffinement", que je me suis fait dire par des canadiens que la poutine est un mets dégueulasse pour un peuple dégueulasse, ça fait vraiment drôle que certains pensent maintenant que c'est un mets canadien. Non pantoute. C'est québécois.
Le #GoogleDoodle d'aujourd'hui représente une #poutine. J'ai mon voyage. Quand je pense combien la poutine a été utilisée dans les années 80-90 pour rabaisser les québécois au rang de "petite gens sans raffinement", que je me suis fait dire par des canadiens que la poutine est un mets dégueulasse pour un peuple dégueulasse, ça fait vraiment drôle que certains pensent maintenant que c'est un mets canadien. Non pantoute. C'est québécois.
Celebrating Bubble Tea! #GoogleDoodle
今天GoogleDoodle是做奶茶,给小动物们做就相当于自己喝了! :blobcathighfive:
OMG this is so cuuute!
#MilkTea #BubbleTea
How do you drink yours?
My favourite is Earl Grey, medium to low sugar, and grass jelly, pudding, or popping yogurt boba.
#milktea #bubbletea #GoogleDoodle
There was a huge bubble tea... uuuhm... "bubble" in #Japan a few years ago, and shops "popped" up all over the country. Popular ones always had long lines of customers waiting, especially in summer. Actually, my first time trying it was in the U.S. at a #Taiwanese restaurant in #SanDiego #California — I guess that was around 2010 when we lived there. Definitely recommended if you haven't tried before.
Celebrating #BubbleTea!🧋🧋🧋
#tapioca #MilkTea #Taiwan🇹🇼
#Taiwan #milktea #tapioca #bubbletea #California #sandiego #taiwanese #Japan #GoogleDoodle
There was a huge bubble tea... uuuhm... "bubble" in #Japan a few years ago, and shops "popped" up all over the country. Popular ones always had long lines of customers waiting, especially in summer. Actually, my first time trying it was in the U.S. at a #Taiwanese restaurant in #SanDiego #California — I guess that was around 2010 when we lived there. Definitely recommended if you haven't tried before.
Celebrating #BubbleTea!🧋🧋🧋
#tapioca #MilkTea #Taiwan🇹🇼
#Taiwan #milktea #tapioca #bubbletea #California #sandiego #taiwanese #Japan #GoogleDoodle
December 6, 2017, #OTD #GoogleDoodle celebrates the inclusion of the Neapolitan pizza into the UNESCO World Heritage🍕
Maybe the original Margherita pizza was inspired by the minerals found on Mount Vesuvius? Like green Vesuvianite & white Sodalite💎
Google celebrates Jerry Lawson with a wonderful interactive Doodle
The Father of the video game cartridge remembered on his birthday
#News #Atari #GoogleDoodle #JerryLawson
#jerrylawson #GoogleDoodle #atari #News
Google celebrates Jerry Lawson with a wonderful interactive Doodle
The Father of the video game cartridge remembered on his birthday
#News #Atari #GoogleDoodle #JerryLawson
#jerrylawson #GoogleDoodle #atari #News
Build your own game by clicking today's #GoogleDoodle celebrating the pioneer of the video game cartridge: Jerry Lawson!
Non ho saputo resistere e ne ho fatto un altro
#google #GoogleDoodle #gamedev #videogiochi #game
Klicke auf den heutigen #GoogleDoodle, um dein eigenes Spiel zu erstellen, und feiere mit uns den Wegbereiter des Videospielemoduls: Jerry Lawson!
Today's #GoogleDoodle is fabulous, celebrating Jerry Lawson's 82nd birthday. Much #retro #arcade love!