Check out our 4-page spread on #GoogleSlides in the Canopy Education Magazine
You can even download the article and share it with your colleagues! @googleedu #edutooter #GoogleEdu #googleeducation #googleei
#googleslides #edutooter #GoogleEdu #googleeducation #googleei
Check out our 4-page spread on #GoogleSlides in the Canopy Education Magazine
You can even download the article and share it with your colleagues! @googleedu #edutooter #GoogleEdu #googleeducation #googleei
#googleslides #edutooter #GoogleEdu #googleeducation #googleei
Have you read the new issue of the free Canopy Education Magazine yet? 🗞️
Check out Ben Whitaker's article: How Web3 Might Revolutionise Education
Read here 👉
#edutooter #education #GoogleEdu
#edutooter #education #GoogleEdu
Have you read the new issue of the free Canopy Education Magazine yet? 🗞️
Check out Ben Whitaker's article: How Web3 Might Revolutionise Education
Read here 👉
#edutooter #education #GoogleEdu #GoogleEI #GoogleET #GoogleEC #EdTech #GoogleEdu
#edtech #edutooter #education #GoogleEdu #googleei #GoogleET #googleec