Remember that horrific Web Environment Integrity proposal?
Well, G👀gle listened to the feedback!
So it's coming to #Chromium in 117.0.5902.0 and later.
LOL, wait. You didn't think they'd listen to anyone outside of their bubble, right? 🙄
So I fully agree with 👇
"Every programmer has a private responsibility regarding their complicity in writing and shipping harmful software."
#chromium #googleisevil #GoogleIsSpyware
Not only that, but it will also force every Android user to install the proprietary G👀gle Play 'services', so that any freedom you thought you had* by Android being Open Source, becomes a total farce.
This is thus *also* about G👀gle getting complete control of every #Android device out there.
#GoogleIsEvil #GoogleIsSpyware
*) Which has always been a delusion. Abandoning Android completely is the only solution.
#android #googleisevil #GoogleIsSpyware is about G👀gle's #GoogleIsSpyware hypocrisy, but something else in that document actually bothers me more:
"the Chrome Root Program continues to explore introducing future policy requirements"
Since Google essentially monopolized the browser 'market', they (alone) now dictate, through policy *requirements* what is and is not allowed on the www/internet. 👀
Not 'rough consensus' among stakeholders, just them.
Was probably already the case though and I just noticed it :-/
UnifiedPush: a decentralized, open-source push notification protocol
"A modern Android smartphone relies on a lot of services...
Most of them have open alternatives, but until now, the only option for push notifications was Google’s proprietary service, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). UnifiedPush is a new alternative that allows you to get push notifications without being tied to a single company."
@Mr_Teatime @Mopsi
There's article 12 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
While not legally binding, most countries have ratified (large) parts of it. Certainly the last 2 decades there has been a vast erosion of our right to privacy and I haven't seen an indication of that changing any time soon. Rather the opposite.
Please stop implying that I'm recommending G👀gle over Apple. Look for #GoogleIsEvil and #GoogleIsSpyware and you should see several of my toots.
#googleisevil #GoogleIsSpyware
@Mr_Teatime @Mopsi
There's article 12 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
While not legally binding, most countries have ratified (large) parts of it. Certainly the last 2 decades there has been a vast erosion of our right to privacy and I haven't seen an indication of that changing any time soon. Rather the opposite.
Please stop implying that I'm recommending G👀gle over Apple. Look for #GoogleIsEvil and #GoogleIsSpyware and you should see several of my toots.
#googleisevil #GoogleIsSpyware
IIRC you also have to give G👀gle the PRIVATE keys used to sign the package.
What could possibly go wrong? (tm)
Oh yeah, G👀gle providing an update to your package with an appropriate backdoor.
I've tooted about this (quite) a while ago, but I'm too lazy to look it up.
#googleisevil #GoogleIsSpyware
IIRC you also have to give G👀gle the PRIVATE keys used to sign the package.
What could possibly go wrong? (tm)
Oh yeah, G👀gle providing an update to your package with an appropriate backdoor.
I've tooted about this (quite) a while ago, but I'm too lazy to look it up.
#googleisevil #GoogleIsSpyware
If you think that modifying the whole internet to #GoogleIsSpyware was teaching them a lesson, it's a different lesson then you might think/hope.
You're actually telling G👀gle you're their bitch.
And apart from the moral/practical POV, you are fighting a battle that you CAN NOT win.
I used to use #Debian's Chromium where they made a good and honest attempt to remove (most of) the spyware. But it's dependent on people noticing it, fixing it and deploying it.
You can not win that fight. 🤷
If you think that modifying the whole internet to #GoogleIsSpyware was teaching them a lesson, it's a different lesson then you might think/hope.
You're actually telling G👀gle you're their bitch.
And apart from the moral/practical POV, you are fighting a battle that you CAN NOT win.
I used to use #Debian's Chromium where they made a good and honest attempt to remove (most of) the spyware. But it's dependent on people noticing it, fixing it and deploying it.
You can not win that fight. 🤷
New installment of #GoogleIsEvil 😖
Excellent write up by @plausible
"Every website and every Chrome user will be opted into FLoC by default without any say in that choice. That is a decision Google has made for us all."
G👀gle is telling you that you're all their bitch, unless you take specific actions against that. #DefaultsMatter
If you don't want your site/blog/etc to be #GoogleIsSpyware, YOU will have to modify your webserver's configuration 🖕
#googleisevil #defaultsmatter #GoogleIsSpyware #fuckgoogle
New installment of #GoogleIsEvil 😖
Excellent write up by @plausible
"Every website and every Chrome user will be opted into FLoC by default without any say in that choice. That is a decision Google has made for us all."
G👀gle is telling you that you're all their bitch, unless you take specific actions against that. #DefaultsMatter
If you don't want your site/blog/etc to be #GoogleIsSpyware, YOU will have to modify your webserver's configuration 🖕
#googleisevil #defaultsmatter #GoogleIsSpyware #fuckgoogle
If you're still using anything by
G👀gle, you're sort of asking for it as #GoogleIsEvil and #GoogleIsSpyware, but JFC.
"A switch has silently been flipped in millions of instances of Google Chrome: those browsers will begin sorting their users into groups based on behavior, then sharing group labels with third-party trackers and advertisers around the web."
The whole article is full of WTF moments; WAY too many to list in the chars left in this toot 😮
#googleisevil #GoogleIsSpyware
If you're still using anything by
G👀gle, you're sort of asking for it as #GoogleIsEvil and #GoogleIsSpyware, but JFC.
"A switch has silently been flipped in millions of instances of Google Chrome: those browsers will begin sorting their users into groups based on behavior, then sharing group labels with third-party trackers and advertisers around the web."
The whole article is full of WTF moments; WAY too many to list in the chars left in this toot 😮
#googleisevil #GoogleIsSpyware
details what I meant with the 2nd part of the above toot.
#googleisevil #GoogleIsSpyware
G👀gle is trying to push through the 'Privacy Community Group of the W3C' to redefine what first- and third-party cookies are:
#GoogleIsEvil #GoogleIsSpyware
I felt the need to redefine the 'headline' to emphasize that this is more severe then 'company X wants Y'
Contributions by NSA to encryption standards are now ignored or viewed with extreme skepticism.
Isn't it time we start treating G👀gle etc in the same way?
#googleisevil #GoogleIsSpyware
@wuwei AFAIUI it was needed for Apple/IOS devices as it normally doesn't allow background processes.
AFAIK it wasn't (strictly) needed on Android, but it could be useful. But because #GoogleIsEvil they had to make the API part of their proprietary Play Services and use it to completely unnecessary share lots of data with #Google, which should undermine the/any trust in a #COVID19 app. #GoogleIsSpyware
#googleisevil #google #COVID19 #GoogleIsSpyware
Android's SafetyNet’s hardware attestation is being rolled out, effectively killing the custom ROM market.
#GoogleIsEvil #GoogleIsSpyware
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
There is no way to 'fix' Android and it should be burnt to the ground.
And more effort should be put into an actual Free solution
#googleisevil #GoogleIsSpyware
Forgot to add a proper hashtag ...
Returned to this toot/thread because because I came up with another one:
Don't know why it took me this long as it's so obvious and appropriate.
#googleisevil #GoogleIsSpyware