Being with #pCloud for a week already it looks good, but lacks knowledge base. For example, they have a feature to make files or folders accessible offline, but on Andoid I can't see those files. I assume, they are in the app's container. I just don't know what to expect, how it works, etc.
They have a set of backup features where you can grab everything from #GooglePhoto or #GoogleDrive, but when you open the image gallery in the app, it shows you all images, so may find duplicates.
#googledrive #GooglePhoto #pcloud
【教學】1 招學會 Google 相簿下載備份、匯出所有照片影片
#Google #Google相簿 #GooglePhoto #備份 #電腦 #疑難雜症 #分享 #好用分享 #好用推薦 #好用 #教學 #實用 #Google相簿下載 #google相簿備份
#google相簿備份 #google相簿下載 #實用 #教學 #好用 #好用推薦 #好用分享 #分享 #疑難雜症 #電腦 #備份 #GooglePhoto #google相簿 #google
iOS 16.3.1 會造成 Google 相簿閃退問題,待官方釋出更新
#Google #Google相簿 #GooglePhoto #news #新聞 #technews #iphonenews #apple新聞 #蘋果新聞 #applenews #科技新聞 #ios
#iOS #科技新聞 #applenews #蘋果新聞 #Apple新聞 #iphonenews #technews #新聞 #news #GooglePhoto #google相簿 #google
Is there an actual way to organize the order of #GooglePhoto albums? I wish there was an easier to way to add random photos to existing albums. The drop-down list is entirely unordered and I cannot seem to re-order it.
is there a backup tool I can use with hte tons of stuff I have in Google Photo ?
Or after day with family (5 sibblings, children and my mother) all taking photos and sharing an album. AND adding it to own account with ONE CLICK.
I do curate daily albums with "YYYYMMDD Topic" for foldernames to help me find photos offline. Local disk, external backup etc.