I'm working in #GoogleSheets and have a column with numeric range values, e.g.:
I want to #sort them by the beginning value in the range incrementally, e.g. the above values should be:
But instead when I sort them I get:
When I attempt to set a sort order the only option appears to be A-Z or Z-A.
I feel like this should be really easy to do. Am I missing something?
I could split the values across two
Update. Wonderful piece on #prison #inmates learning #mathematics with the help of outside experts willing to send and receive emails.
Is there a crowd-sourced list of academics willing to help this way, organized by field or topic? Or a crowd-sourced list of inmates seeking academic help, organized by field or topic?
#GoogleSheets #mathematics #inmates #prison
Was just reminded of ths little gem from when I first started making games in #GoogleSheets (time flies!): Run a two- to four-player card game (like poker or war or go fish) all with built-in formulas ✨
Are there any #duckduckgo for Mac users seeing blurry pages? It happens most often with #GoogleSheets but by no means exclusively.
Oh, hello there — I didn't see you come in!
I'm Tyler, a sort of weird keyboard goblin. Follow me for bizarre spreadsheet concoctions, digital creations known as "apps", and the occasional assortment of words formed into a kind of joke.
🔗 Links: https://www.atylerrobertson.com/
📝 Blog: https://blog.atylerrobertson.com/
☕️ Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/atylerrobertson
#introduction #London #expat #GoogleSheets #art #programming
Oh, hello there — I didn't see you come in!
I'm Tyler, a sort of weird keyboard goblin. Follow me for bizarre spreadsheet concoctions, digital creations known as "apps", and the occasional assortment of words formed into a kind of joke.
#introduction #London #expat #GoogleSheets #art #programming
I continue to be impressed by the folks on my spreadsheet-focused Discord server. No ego, no drama, just good people getting stuff done. 💖
If that sounds like something you’d like, consider joining! https://discord.gg/yCMFnTtD8c
#spreadsheets #discord #excel #GoogleSheets
Finished first pass of my first #appsscript to pull data from thebluealliance.com to #GoogleSheets for #frcRobotics
Sharp edges: caching service is goofy, it takes so long to execute a function from a sheet cell, and really don't like using =query() in sheets.
Now that the initial work is done, the hope is to get the team involved in updating the script for kickoff, and then more engaged on scouting during competition.
#appsscript #GoogleSheets #frcrobotics
Finished first pass of my first #appsscript to pull data from thebluealliance.com to #GoogleSheets for #frcRobotics
Sharp edges: caching service is goofy, it takes so long to execute a function from a sheet cell, and really don't like using =query() in sheets.
Now that the initial work is done, the hope is to get the team involved in updating the script for kickoff, and then more engaged on scouting during competition.
#appsscript #GoogleSheets #frcrobotics
#TIL that you can implement your own #GoogleSheets functions in #AppsScript and then use them as =MyFunction(stuff) in your spreadsheet.
And while I was looking up the citation for this, I also found https://support.google.com/docs/answer/12504534 about naming combinations of built-in functions!
#til #GoogleSheets #appsscript
Hi! 👋 I’m Tyler, and I’m the admin for a tiny part of this wide Fediverse called goshdarn.fun.
I’m an #expat from the US 🇺🇸 living in the #UK 🇬🇧 with my partner and mini #dachshund.
I #WorkFromHome as a Support Engineer for the Zapier Developer Platform.
I love making weird #tech #art, and most recently spent a couple years making #GoogleSheets do things it’s not supposed to, like a 3D game engine!
I’m still new to Mastodon so I’m keen to learn, meet folks, and get involved!
#introduction #expat #uk #dachshund #workfromhome #tech #art #GoogleSheets
Trying out something fun in my local instance:
- #GoogleSheets spreadsheet that imports the latest post from a given #RSS feed (recalculating every minute)
- Set up Zapier to trigger on updates, create posts on new bot account via webhook
- Give instance members editor access on the sheet
It's a communal feed reader for my locals!
RT Google Workspace
Now this is thinking outside the box...or cell 🚢. Check out this game of battleship built on #GoogleSheets! Non-Spanish speaker? Click translate to learn more ↓
Carlos Ortega: Ayer por la tarde hice mi Sheet más loco hasta el momento.
No os voy a engañar. No quise buscar si existía ya y luego he visto que hay uno, pero es otro rollo.
*Con funcionalidades online y chat incorporado.
⬇️ Hilo lúdico de viernes ⬇️
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/GoogleWorkspace/status/1359262844487950336