DDG, the #searchEngine, is literally hosted on Microshaft IP addresses/ machines.
Akamai one of those CDN is also a strategic partner of Microsoft since the 1990s. GriftHub and lickedIn are M$.
Australia's national broadcaster serves media via Akamai.
They're taking us all for absolute gooses.
#searchengine #ddg #GooseGooseDu #microsoft
Escaping #Microshaft is more hard than it should be.
Its bad enough that they serve #GriftHub, #LinkedIn and are a partner of the CDN giant, #Akamai.
The fact that they also effectively host #DuckDuckGo, should really raise an alarm for any thinking man, woman, child, duck, duck and flipping goose on the planet.
Maybe #DuckCoverRun ought be the colloquialism.
#microshaft #griftHub #linkedin #akamai #duckduckgo #DuckCoverRun #GooseGooseDu #webSearch #dotcon #microsoft #github