We are a Diversity (and Gold) Sponsor at this year's GopherCon Europe in Berlin.
#gophercon #gopherconeu #go #golang #conference #berlin #diversity #dei #deib
#GopherCon #GopherconEU #go #golang #conference #berlin #diversity #dei #deib
Just submitted a talk on Pushup https://pushup.adhoc.dev for Gophercon. CFP ends today. #Pushup #Gophercon #CFP #CallForPapers #Go
#pushup #GopherCon #cfp #callforpapers #go
Something I do a change that I just can't understand I haven't done before, because it's so obvious in retrospect.
This time, it put my #GopherCon lightning talk about #GoLang #gomponents from 2021 on the front page of gomponents.com , because most people don't click through to the other pages. When I have a video intro, why not put it front and center?! 🤦
#GopherCon #golang #gomponents
Hello #hachyderm 👋
Finally writing my #introduction post:
Software engineer with a passion for infrastructure. Leading the cloud native adoption initiatives (go #cncf !!!) at AppsFlyer platform group. Co organizer for #GopherCon Israel.
Promoting IaC with #terraform, GitOps practices with #FluxCD and policy-as-code with #OpenPolicyAgent
I enjoy riding my #OneWheel, playing #GodOfWar and #ApexLegends on #PlayStation, and being a true tech junkie 🤓
#hachyderm #introduction #cncf #GopherCon #terraform #fluxcd #OpenPolicyAgent #onewheel #godofwar #apexlegends #playstation
Continuing today and tomorrow!
Microsoft Learn TV: Good morning! 🌙🌄☀️
Another day of #GopherCon is streaming on Learn TV!
Streaming 🔴 LIVE soon!
Let's go!
@GopherCon #GopherConOrBust #govircon
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/code/status/1469004420201558024
#GopherCon #GopherConOrBust #govircon