RT @ignaziocorrao: London Bridge is down. Ci lascia, dopo 70 anni di regno, la #Regina Elisabetta II. Una preghiera e profondo cordoglio per lei e i suoi cari. Dopo #Gorbachev, se ne va un altro pezzo di storia. Un pensiero va anche al popolo britannico.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ignaziocorrao/status/1567961796438331394
#Regina #Gorbachev #QueenElisabeth
London Bridge is down. Ci lascia, dopo 70 anni di regno, la #Regina Elisabetta II. Una preghiera e profondo cordoglio per lei e i suoi cari. Dopo #Gorbachev, se ne va un altro pezzo di storia. Un pensiero va anche al popolo britannico.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ignaziocorrao/status/1567934071451287553
#Regina #Gorbachev #QueenElisabeth
RT @joerglau: Zusammen mit @AliceBota habe ich die estnische Premierministerin @kajakallas interviewt, morgen in @DIEZEIT
Interview with Estonia‘s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas about Russia‘s terrorist tactics and the heritage of Michail #Gorbachev (in German, in tomorrow’s @DIEZEIT )
RT @vtchakarova: #Gorbachev’s iconic role in Pizza Hut commercial
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/WimvandeCamp/status/1567056610509340672
🇷🇺 Former Soviet Union President Mikhail #Gorbachev passed away on 30 August 2022, leaving behind a strong political legacy that also included environmental advocacy.
Watch speech 📺: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P28YwtAGclI&list=PLHQxK2YVsFVszixf_t1u3AtzdNm7YVgJF&index=17&t=85s
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1565475837079691265
#amarcord: in the 90s a bunch of #Russian developers released #Perestroika, DOS game inspired by #Gorbachev's policies
If you wish to rediscover the difficulty of surviving in a world of ever-changing laws, chased by bureaucrats in the transition from #communism to #democracy, you can play the archived version of the game on archive.org:
#democracy #communism #Gorbachev #perestroika #russian #amarcord
“He had tried to make the Soviet Union freer,less corrupt,more just.And when that failed,at least he had made it easier to emigrate.“ A Soviet Hamlet Scholar Artemy Kalinovsky suggests a Shakespearian perspective on #Gorbachev legacy @meduzaproject https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/08/31/a-soviet-hamlet
RT @RebHarms: @glandsbergis: Lithuanians will not glorify #Gorbachev
We will never forget the simple fact that his army murdered civilians to prolong his regime's occupation of our country.His soldiers fired on our unarmed protestors
crushed them under his tanks.That’s how we will remember him
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/HelgaTruepel/status/1565060833478168577
RT @Rvaticanaitalia: Storico l'incontro di #Gorbaciov in Vaticano con Giovanni Paolo II, il primo dicembre 1989 #Gorbachev
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/DamianoZoffoli/status/1564986652061204481
The gaps in the European Union are reflected in the words of European politicians about how they remember #Gorbatchev.
Germans have definitely to rethink their idea of “Gorbi“
RT @RebHarms: @glandsbergis: Lithuanians will not glorify #Gorbachev
We will never forget the simple fact that his army murdered civilians to prolong his regime's occupation of our country.His soldiers fired on our unarmed protestors
crushed them under his tank…
@glandsbergis: Lithuanians will not glorify #Gorbachev
We will never forget the simple fact that his army murdered civilians to prolong his regime's occupation of our country.His soldiers fired on our unarmed protestors
crushed them under his tanks.That’s how we will remember him
I salute the memory and legacy of Mikhail #Gorbachev, who will be remembered as a great, visionary man of peace.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/presidentmt/status/1564874164355452934
Del legado de #Gorbachev , justo es señalar su impulso a una arquitectura internacional para el desarme, en un mundo que vivía aterrorizado por la amenaza de la guerra nuclear. Una arquitectura hoy lamentablemente cuestionada.
Descanse en paz.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ernesturtasun/status/1564855989387534338
RT @MalmstromEU: #Gorbachev was really one of those individuals who can claim to have changed the course of history.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/KarinKarlsbro/status/1564917856348905476
RT @jensstoltenberg: Mikhail #Gorbachev’s historic reforms led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union, helped end the Cold War & opened the possibility of a partnership between #Russia & #NATO. His vision of a better world remains an example.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/APisoneroECSpox/status/1564948586458234880
RT @sashvazy@twitter.com
Just told my 10yo daughter about #Gorbachev. She had tears in her eyes. And then she did the Wakanda pose and said "#Gorbkanda forever" -- which is the sort of pop culture cross-over that I can celebrate.
RT @Alfreddezayas: Gorbachev was an honest man, a rare kind among political predators. He harboured a hope for sustainable peace between East and West. Alas, the West persisted in confrontation.
Pro mne byl Gorbačov také důkazem, že změna je možná. Škoda, že už neměl sílu hlasitěji projevit svůj nesouhlas s Putinovým režimem a ruskou agresí na Ukrajině. Čest jeho památce.
RT @jensstoltenberg: Mikhail #Gorbachev’s historic reforms led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union, helped end the Cold War & opened the possibility of a partnership between #Russia & #NATO. His vision of a better world remains an example.