Shot a few videos on Plato's Gorgias for my Anger and Justice class earlier today. Here's the first one, on a dynamic that is just as common today as it was in ancient times (maybe even more so, thanks to the internet)!
Oh brave new interface, that has such people in it!
I'm a professor of #Philosophy and #Classics at #umich, specializing in Greek and Roman philosophy, esp. the philosophy of mind (#intentionality, #consciousness, #MindBody, #perception). I have published mostly on #Aristotle and the #Stoics, but have interests from #Parmenides and #Gorgias through #Augustine.
I love #BaroqueOpera, #KingCrimson, and the game of #Go.
#philosophy #classics #umich #intentionality #consciousness #mindbody #perception #aristotle #stoics #Parmenides #Gorgias #Augustine #baroqueopera #kingcrimson #go
Anyone have a view on Richard Bett vs Christopher Beckwith? They seem to have some tension (reading Beckwith's Greek Buddha and Bett's Cambridge Guide to Ancient Scepticism)
#Pyrrho #Pyrrhonism #Plato #Buddhism #Gorgias #SextusEmpiricus #Parmenides #scepticism #philosophy @philosophy
#philosophy #scepticism #Parmenides #SextusEmpiricus #Gorgias #buddhism #plato #Pyrrhonism #Pyrrho