Jeff Hertzog · @jeffhertzog1961
38 followers · 2045 posts · Server

Les Feldick - -from 2015 - I fully agree & support my Mentor (1 of 2) in this video! From his home The two - - From 2015, Les had many Bible Studies in his home kitchen! I call it ! Les teaches using of course the Bible, on the two Gospels - the Gospel of the during the Lord Jesus Christ's Earthly Ministry and then the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ given to the from the Resurrected Lord from Heaven!

#LesFeldick #Sermon #Scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #Gospels #Gospel #church #kingdom #ApostlePaul #JesusChrist

Last updated 1 year ago

Tony Watkins · @tony
157 followers · 112 posts · Server

New article by Cedric E. W. Vine (Associate Professor of New Testament, Andrews University): EXODUS ALLUSIONS IN THE MIDSECTION OF THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW.
He argues that multiple exodus allusions in the midsection of Matthew’s Gospel reveal an Evangelist who either anticipated the possible need for withdrawal from hostile host communities or affirmed an ongoing separation process.

#bible #newtestament #Gospels #matthew #matthewsgospel #exodus #biblicalstudies

Last updated 2 years ago

Tony Watkins · @tony
131 followers · 63 posts · Server

Two new articles in

this week:

1. The Perfect Law of Liberty on Poverty and Wealth: A Precursor to Paul? – Craig Blomberg. He argues that whilst some scholars pit James against Paul regarding poverty and wealth, they demonstrate striking similarities; James’s teaching could plausibly even be a source for Paul’s commitments in this area.

2. John’s as a Symbolic Enactment of the Return from – Joel White (Professor of New Testament; Freie Theologische Hochschule Gießen). Joel argues that John’s baptism in the Jordan was innovative, rather than reflecting pre-existing rituals, and that he intended it as a symbolic depiction of return from exile.


#TyndaleBulletin #baptism #exile #biblicalstudies #newtestament #PaulineStudies #stpaul #paul #james #Epistles #poverty #wealth #johnthebaptist #theology #Gospels #SynopticGospels

Last updated 2 years ago