I have seen #GotGVol3 three times so far, in three different formats (?). The movie has been good all three times. However as for formats (???):
1) IMAX, GotG Marathon - fun experience, big screen, great audience energy, disorienting to start at 7 PM and roll out of theater at 2 AM-ish
2) RPX Regal Premium Experience - ...nothing really premium about this experience. The audio was strangely crackly throughout to the point of distraction.
3) ScreenX - good lord, the strangest movie experience I've ever had. At various points, the movie expanded to walls for, as they put it, a 270-degree panoramic visual. IT WAS SO WEIRD. I took some photos at end but they're spoilers.
If/when there is further viewings, most will be on normal screens, 2D. HOWEVER I'm plotting on hitting up one more showing with weird gimmicks. Specifically to try D-BOX again, for the first time since the first GotG. (The D-BOX is that weird moving seat experience.)
Referenced link: http://cs.co/6012OZNBQ
Originally posted by Duo Security / @duosec@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/duosec/status/1654531452757737492#m
🔒 One thing is for sure: #Cybersecurity villains aren’t getting past Duo’s Risk-Based #Authentication feature: http://cs.co/6012OZNBQ
What about the Guardians? 🤔 To find out, watch Marvel Studios' "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3," now in theaters!
#CyberSecurity #authentication #GotGVol3
Referenced link: http://cs.co/6013OZz11
Originally posted by Duo Security / @duosec@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/duosec/status/1654199260777271314#m
Complete your mission to make work simpler with Duo Single Sign-On 🤩.
Next mission: watch Marvel Studios' "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3," in theaters tomorrow! 🍿 #GotGVol3
It is all about the team, so tag a friend you'd watch the movie with! 👇 http://cs.co/6013OZz11
i'm not ready to say goodbye to my fave Marvel characters🥲🦝 #GotGVol3
RT @GunnBrasil
no spoilers.
#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 #GotGVol3
All that being said, I feel as if my excitement has been muted this time around. Partly how long it's been since #GotGVol2, partly because 2022 (and previous years) wore me the heck out, partly because I'm feeling that Marvel fatigue.
All that being said, I'm really happy that #GotGVol3 is finally finally here!
How to see how I handle seeing it as part of the #GotG Movie Marathon this evening.
As I'm going to be seeing #GotGVol3 today, I've been considering my history with it. It is still befuddling to me that GotG is a viable property and was even made a movie in the first place. Including Rocket Raccoon no less.
And still crazy that Rocket Raccoon is a well known fairly popular character now.
I will forever and always be hipster raccoon who liked Rocket "before he was cool", but also happy know and appreciate the scamp.
And he looks to be the A Plot of #GotGVol3!!!
Referenced link: http://cs.co/6016OXWhC
Originally posted by Duo Security / @duosec@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/duosec/status/1653429267093397509#m
Ready to guard your galaxy against #cyberthreats? Duo is! http://cs.co/6016OXWhC
We're also more than ready to see Marvel Studios' "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" in theaters May 5... Will you be there? 🍿 #GotGVol3
One thing the MCU movies do really well is consolidate separate but similar concepts from the comics. And judging from the trailer, #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 is doing it again. (Spoiler:) Looks like Rocket got made by the High Evolutionary, who also made Cosmo. That’s pretty much perfect. #GotGVol3 #guardiansofthegalaxy #gotg3
#gotg3 #guardiansofthegalaxy #GotGVol3 #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3
*starts plotting the most cost effective way to see #GotGVol3 multiple times it releases*
(The current best option is this Unlimited card where could go to unlimited amount of movies, in any given month, even if same movie. #SchemeyPaws)
RT @MarvelStudios@twitter.com
It’s time to face the music.
Watch the brand-new trailer for Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 that just debuted at Brazil Comic Con #CCXP2022. Only in theaters May 5, 2023. #GotGVol3
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarvelStudios/status/1598437053301067777
RT @Guardians@twitter.com
It’s time to face the music.
Watch the brand-new trailer for Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 that just debuted at Brazil Comic Con #CCXP2022. Only in theaters May 5, 2023. #GotGVol3
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Guardians/status/1598437107755757568