Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition per PS5 e Gotham Knights per Nintendo Switch classificati a Singapore
#GothamKnights #GuerrillaGames #HorizonForbiddenWest #WBGamesMontral
#GothamKnights #guerrillagames #HorizonForbiddenWest #wbgamesmontral
Ah!!! Our pal (well, some of us) Monica Daniel edited this show! #GothamKnights
Man... I haven't talked to her in ages.
#GothamKnights was down to 20 bucks on the most recent Xbox sale so I gave it a try.
It tries so hard to be like the Rocksteady Batman games but it isn't. Combat is a pale shadow of the Arkham games.
At Under 20 bucks, High Recommend.
At $60, Day 1 Completionist only.
#pcgaming #steamSale #GothamKnights
Gotham Knights 1x13: "Night of the Owls": All things being equal, despite an open thread or two, this is a solid ending to the series. It's very easy to see this as a one-season miniseries and enjoy the highlights for what they are. And of course, Misha Collins as Harvey Dent has a great arc and even some of my less favored cast members won me over in the end. #gothamknights
TV TONIGHT (June 27)
#SupermanAndLois #GothamKnights #CouplesRetreat #LifeBelowZero #HIMYF #MLB #AGT #WWENXT #Chopped #DeadliestCatch #DancingQueens #WindyCityRehab #SecretOfSkinwalkerRanch #BodyCam #StorageWars #DoublingDownWithTheDerricos
#doublingdownwiththederricos #storagewars #bodycam #secretofskinwalkerranch #windycityrehab #dancingqueens #deadliestcatch #Chopped #WWENXT #AGT #mlb #HIMYF #lifebelowzero #couplesretreat #GothamKnights #SupermanAndLois
Gotham Knights 1x12: "City of Owls": The penultimate episode of the series drops a number of surprises and sets up a thrilling finale. It's too bad this series was basically DOA, because after a rough start, I feel like it has delivered some pretty shocking twists and turns. I just hope it ends conclusively instead of on a cliffhanger, though I know that is well outside the writers' hands at this point. #gothamknights
Really disappointed that they canceled #GothamKnights. It was literally the only thing left on cable that I was watching!
The problem about Gotham Knights is the Batcycle feel so slow like a Turtle ,
if character walk with Feet it's faster than the BatCycle
Nexus Mods not fix it
Anyone know a solution for make the batcycle driving feel faster?
#GothamKnights #BatCycle
Gotham Knights: Keine Rettung in Sicht #GothamKnights
So many things canceled. #gothamKnights is the latest queer one from the CW to get the axe.
Interestingly, #AllAmericanHomecoming got another season, and #SupermanAndLois got a short season 4 (I imagine those tights cost money).
- M
#SupermanAndLois #allamericanhomecoming #GothamKnights
Gotham Knights: The CW trennt sich von DC-Serie #GothamKnights
Die Serie #GothamKnights wurde bereits nach der ersten Staffel abgesetzt!
Bis auf den Trailer habe ich davon nichts gesehen und der hatte mich auch nicht überzeugt.
Wir haben ja noch Serien wie Peacemaker und der Pinguin Serie aus dem The Batman Universum.
The CW Cancels "Gotham Knights" After One Season
http://www.tv-recaps-reviews.com/2023/06/cw-cancels-gotham-knights.html #GothamKnights #CW #TheCW
Gotham Knights 1x11: "Daddy Issues": I like that this series isn't afraid to take some narrative chances. It's very clear that they had many (if not all) of these twists and turns in mind from the very beginning. With only a couple episodes left of the season (and likely, series), I am very intrigued as to how they will pull it all together. And it's increasingly a shame that the changes at The CW will likely prevent more to come. #gothamknights
Gotham Knights 1x10: "Poison Pill": The season continues to deliver some twists and turns. The candidate for the new Talon, I assume, might actually be more convincing if he doesn't talk anymore. The episode was already pretty solid and shocking just on the Knights side of the equation, so everything with Harvey was just icing on the cake. Really intrigued to see what they can do with the final few episodes. #gothamknights
@GrandUpperEX Games Beaten 2023 - Number 15
Gotham Knights (PS5)
A flawed & very repetitive game that i somehow enjoyed some of.
#Gaming #Backlog #GothamKnights #PS5 #ShareYourGames #Batman
#Batman #shareyourgames #PS5 #GothamKnights #backlog #Gaming
Gotham Knights 1x09: "Dark Knight of the Soul": The episode seemed to be going in some predictable directions, and then the final act took things sideways in some fun ways. They even took some of the anticipated romantic subplots and threw in some curve balls. Since this looks like it will be the only season of the show, given the state of The CW's future, I'm looking forward to seeing how they continue to surprise me as the story concludes. #gothamknights
Gotham Knights 1x07: "Bad to be Good": I appreciate the ongoing continuity and the overall pacing of the season, but this one did seem to slow down that pacing a bit. Of course, it's hard to tell since this is still the middle of the season. But it is interesting to see how the Knights are becoming more of a Gotham fixture. And I like that Duela's influence is wearing off on some of the others. #gothamknights
The new CW series #GothamKnights is borrowing a major story element from #Arrow season 1 that should guide the actions of the team from now on.
#GothamKnights #arrow #cwgothamknights #gothamknightscw #arrowverse #arrowseason1