Join me in the sauna? Happy new year folks!
#aspiringmuscledog #dadsboy #justahornymuscleboy #gottagrow #caponbrainoff #himbo #muscledog #muscleboy #gymgay #musclegrowth
#AspiringMuscleDog #dadsboy #justahornymuscleboy #GottaGrow #caponbrainoff #himbo #muscledog #muscleboy #gymgay #musclegrowth
A little late but as promised. Here is a shot from yesterday’s workout. #aspiringmuscledog #gottagrow #dadsboy #musclegrowthfetish #backday #bicepday #reallyshouldstartmyJFF
#AspiringMuscleDog #GottaGrow #dadsboy #musclegrowthfetish #backday #bicepday #reallyshouldstartmyjff
Want to help me finish changing? Gotta get this shirt off. #aspiringmuscledog #gottagrow #dadsboy #ThirstTraps #thirstpost #chestday #tricepday #shoulderday #kinkypup
#AspiringMuscleDog #GottaGrow #dadsboy #ThirstTraps #thirstpost #chestday #tricepday #shoulderday #kinkypup
Randomly awake so might as well post a pic from Friday’s workout. I’m not mad about my shoulders at the moment. Slowly but surely. Plus, here’s some pit for ya. Get in there. #aspiringmuscledog #gottagrow #musclegrowthfetish #musclegrowth #workout #weightlifting #ArmpitsGay
#AspiringMuscleDog #GottaGrow #musclegrowthfetish #musclegrowth #workout #weightlifting #ArmpitsGay
Was feeling pretty good after a workout on our vacation at Disney World a few weeks ago. #AspiringMuscleDog #GottaGrow #disneygay #dadsboy
#AspiringMuscleDog #GottaGrow #disneygay #dadsboy
Checking this site out. #AspiringMuscleDog #GottaGrow #musclegrowth
#AspiringMuscleDog #GottaGrow #musclegrowth