@citynews "But we're definately not gouging grocery shoppers".
Look, I get that shareholders of #Loblaws have to get their sandwich too - dividends or share price returns have to keep pace at least with inflation otherwise why would anyone invest?
But the optics are really poor guys. My salary isn't keeping pace with inflation. Yet all my bills are outpacing #inflation.
So the #grocery #CEOs say they're not #gouging.. but the experts say that's horseshit: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3c6CD5kIc3A8hT4v86bsPr?si=irJwCFxeSgetxg8voWr3rA
#Gouging #ceos #grocery #inflation #loblaws
If we are a country that purports to care for our weakest?
Let's start doing that.
#PriceRises, when they result in profit growth?
Are actually price #Gouging
@MichealMartinTD@twitter.com @LeoVaradkar@twitter.com @HHumphreysFG@twitter.com @EamonRyan@twitter.com @MaryLouMcDonald@twitter.com @willieodeaLIVE@twitter.com @QuinlivanTD@twitter.com
If we are a country that purports to care for our weakest?
Let's start doing that.
#PriceRises, when they result in profit growth?
Are actually price #Gouging
@MichealMartinTD@twitter.com @LeoVaradkar@twitter.com @HHumphreysFG@twitter.com @EamonRyan@twitter.com @MaryLouMcDonald@twitter.com @willieodeaLIVE@twitter.com @QuinlivanTD@twitter.com