@siin mold seems to like more humidity, but so do the mushrooms. The trick is to keep the substrate damp but not the air. The air sucks the moisture out of the substrate, and brings contaminates though, so it's a delicate balance. I recommend keeping a wireless barometer in your enclosure so you can monitor without disturbing them. #govee makes some good ones.
Govee: HDMI-Sync-Box für RGB-Beleuchtung unterstützt bis zu 240 Hz https://www.computerbase.de/2023-01/govee-hdmi-sync-box-fuer-rgb-beleuchtung-unterstuetzt-bis-zu-240-hz/ #Govee #GoveeAI #CES2023
Der Rand meines LG 75 SK 8100 #TV ist zu schmal, um darauf die Kamera der "smarten" #Govee #Hintergrundbeleuchtung anzubringen. Also habe ich mit #FreeCAD einen Adapter entworfen und mit dem #prusai3mk3s gedruckt. — Funktioniert! 😃
#prusai3mk3s #freecad #Hintergrundbeleuchtung #Govee #TV
What a day for my #smarthome; first my closet motion detector stopped detecting, then my GE smart switch died (known capacitor issue that results in it just making a clicking noise), then my #Govee TV lights stopped responding from #homeassistant…
Kapa has a sale on Amazon on their switches for a combo Smart Switch / Motion Sensor, so hopefully that will fix the first two. :eyeroll:
#smarthome #Govee #homeassistant
Govee outdoor LED light strips review | CNN Underscored #govee #outdoor #light #strips #review #underscored #26giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY25uLmNvbS9jbm4tdW5kZXJzY29yZWQvcmV2aWV3cy9nb3ZlZS1sZWQtbGlnaHQtc3RyaXA/aWlkPUNOTlVuZGVyc2NvcmVkSFBjb250YWluZXI=
#26giugno #underscored #review #strips #light #outdoor #Govee