Black Tie

"That's what we need, we have always needed, and we have never needed more, solidarity between our minority communities because we just don't fucking survive without it."

And the images that fucked ya
Were a patriarchal structure
And you never will surrender
To a narrow view of gender
And I swear there’ll come a day
When you won’t worry what they say
On the labels, on the doors
You will figure out what’s yours

And it’s a bloody nightmare
Tryna fight the spread of bigotry and fear
That’s uniting Piers Morgan and Germaine Greer
And all our progress
Yeah I wonder who it’s for
When I dared to utter that trans lives matter
Yeah and all I got was a TERF war.

Well that’s fine
Cause I decline
Your narrow set of rules they just don’t work
These red lines
They’re not mine
And if you need me you can find me ironing my shirt

#GracePetrie #Music #politicalmusic #queermusic #transrights #lesbianrights

Last updated 1 year ago

I Wish The Guardian Believed That I Exist

Oh there's no such thing as a protest singer
We don’t have none of those
No there's no such thing as a protest singer
We lost them when the mines all closed

Well, I know you like to think that no one does it like you did
In 1989 the needle just got stuck
But just because the system's changed it doesn't mean you've got
The monopoly on giving a fuck

'Cause we're all unemployed
That housing market you've enjoyed
Is suspended by the renting of the youth
Well we've had our wages squeezed
Fifty grand tuition fees
But let me let you in on the unspoken truth:

That there's no such thing as a protest singer, no it's a made-up thing
There's no such thing as a protest singer
'Cause there's politics in everything we sing

#GracePetrie #Music #politicalmusic #protestsingers

Last updated 2 years ago

A Young Woman's Tale

Well we were sold prosperity
Off working people's backs
And while we got mass-austerity
The rich got let off tax
And now the NHS is on its knees
And the ones who get the blame
Are people washed up on the shore
With nothing to their name

A world of competition
For resources we should share
Was brought about by Thatcher
And made stronger under Blair
But nobody on this earth
Should fight for food or home or health
And I know we won't survive
On every person for themself

#GracePetrie #Music #politicalmusic

Last updated 2 years ago


The patriarchal system has been fucking all of us for a long time

"And these images that fucked ya
Are a patriarchal structure"

#GracePetrie #blacktie

Last updated 2 years ago

leoroberts · @leoroberts
39 followers · 45 posts · Server

I don’t use because I don’t use . I prefer, when possible, to buy direct from the artist so that they get paid properly for their craft. This year I’ve mostly been listening to , and

#spotifywrapped #spotify #GracePetrie #ohooleyandtidow #CraigAndWilloughby

Last updated 2 years ago · @Polyrical
16 followers · 70 posts · Server

Black Tie

"Everything's gonna be alright. No, you won't grow out of it. You will find the clothes that fit."

#GracePetrie #Music #lgbtq

Last updated 2 years ago · @Polyrical
12 followers · 57 posts · Server