GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
42 followers · 471 posts · Server

“Open Letter to Sharon (General Secretary of the Union @unitetheunion)

via Tony ’s blogpost

“How does support for the square with working with the -state funded Campaign Against Anti-Semitism ()?”

“Why have your officials lied and lied about the banning of [the film]: ‘Jeremy – The Big Lie’?”

“Who has given you the right to decide what Unite members can or cannot see?”

“You Sharon Graham have banned an anti-racist film at the behest of an organisation [] whose Chair, Gideon Falter, is Vice-Chair of the Jewish National Fund (), an organisation which refuses to rent or lease [to ] the 93% of land in that it owns or controls. It makes Unite party to the JNF’s continuing ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.”

has just revealed that the CAA is directly funded by JNF-UK. In 2018 and 2019 it received $450,000 from an Israeli para-state organisation. Far from upholding ‘a longstanding commitment to international solidarity’ you Sharon Graham have been holding hands with the practitioners of Israeli

#Graham #unite #Greenstein #palestinians #israeli #caa #corbyn #jnf #israel #ElectronicIntifada #apartheid

Last updated 1 year ago

Dry as toast · @toast
108 followers · 625 posts · Server

Prominent evangelical figure Franklin made headlines this week after penning a column in Decision magazine commending Russian president Vladimir for his brutal stance towards that country’s community.

#Graham #putin #lgbtq

Last updated 2 years ago

Sonja Wagner · @anna55
19 followers · 135 posts · Server

In 1998 Billy was speaking at the annual TED Talk conference at Monterey, California.

"Billy Graham über Technik, Glaube und Leid"

#glaube #jesus #faith #Graham

Last updated 2 years ago

iNFoPiG · @iNFoPiG
113 followers · 72 posts · Server

Vandalism at three power substations in western early Sunday cut power to about 14,000 customers

Two of the break-ins were at Tacoma Public Utilities substations and the third was at a Puget Sound station

Public Utilities reported vandalism at about 5:30 a.m. at one followed by vandalism at a second substation

Puget Sound Energy (PSE) also reported vandalism at about 2:30 a.m. causing a power at one of its substations.

"There's a good possibility they are related, we are going to be investigating to see if this was coordinated by a specific group or people, but at this time all we know is that we have burglaries where the was purposefully knocked out"

- No public statement from PSE found on PSE website or social media - "The company is investigating, along with authorities, and declined to comment further"

#washington #TPU #energy #pse #tacoma #substation #outage #power #Graham #piercecounty

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Spectraliser
159 followers · 98 posts · Server

made a choice about this – to make pay for it

"Recently the made two . One was a proposed attack on : “new ” against the , while refusing to with workers. The other was a gift to the : uncapping and looking to remove brought in to tame after the #2008 "

An great article full of solid arguments by , of

#ministers #economic #crisis #working #people #government #major #policy #interventions #workers #tough #laws #right #to #strike #negotiate #nhs #city #bankers #bonuses #safeguards #markets #crash #sharon #Graham #general #secretary #unite

Last updated 2 years ago

Toddo :propride: · @toddo
785 followers · 1610 posts · Server

@MikeDunnAuthor @bookstadon another favorite tidbit about was that he was part of the early “social purity” movement and wrote a tract to young men about the severe health dangers of . It’s simultaneously hilarious (so completely unscientific) & sad (so completely body- and sex-negative).

#Graham #masturbation

Last updated 2 years ago

Dry as toast · @toast
75 followers · 235 posts · Server

“Major Christian organizations, including the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the Fellowship Foundation, have together spent close to a quarter of a billion dollars over the past 13 years campaigning against LGBTQ and abortion rights, according to a report by the United Kingdom–based political website openDemocracy. “

#lgbtq #homophobia #evangelical #Graham

Last updated 2 years ago

Skefabu · @Nessi_2033
19 followers · 197 posts · Server

Bei wird bei "Diskussionen" fast nie Gelb überschritten, bei komme ich in Einzelfällen (noch) bis Lila, hatte aber auch schon gelben Alarm.

#twitter #mastodon #Graham

Last updated 2 years ago

· @metztli
0 followers · 2018 posts · Server

"Going into the 76th year of its existence, the CIA [terrorist organization] 'remains a zealous perpetrator of the will of the ruling elites of its country [the US Anglo- Zio- Nazi global terrorist regime]. Despite the significant changes taking place, those elites [like alleged predatory , Lindsey — pictured below] continue to think of themselves as hegemons in a unipolar world,' the SVR chief insisted."

#homosexual #Graham

Last updated 2 years ago

Sozialwelten · @sozialwelten
1438 followers · 10041 posts · Server
maeve harris · @maeve
417 followers · 8685 posts · Server

I won't predict the defeat of SC Senator Lindsey , who was leader of the Judiciary Committee that endorsed Barrett, because the disappointment should he be re-elected would be so painful. Polls show him in a dead heat with Democrat Jaime Harrison.


Last updated 4 years ago