Revisited Hearts of Iron 4 with the awesome Old World Blues mod again recently!
Time for the Bone Dancers to conquer the Wasteland!
#HoI4 #OldWorldBlues #OWB #BoneDancers #CrimsonAcolytes #SeraphLords #HeartsOfIron4 #youtube #games #gamers #grandstrategy
#hoi4 #oldworldblues #owb #bonedancers #crimsonacolytes #seraphlords #heartsofiron4 #youtube #games #gamers #GrandStrategy
Good changes or bad? What do you think?
I hope I can still continue my current campaign ...
#victoria3 #games #gaming #grandstrategy #strategy #patchnotes #patch
#Victoria3 #games #gaming #GrandStrategy #strategy #patchnotes #patch
Victoria 3 is already entertaining 500,000 strategy-loving brains
------------------ #ParadoxInteractive #GrandStrategy #Victoria3 #sequel #News #PC
#ParadoxInteractive #GrandStrategy #Victoria3 #sequel #News #PC
Today I present you Hearts Of Iron 4 a game I mostly play for one of its great mods called Old World Blues!
Take a look at the chaos of the wateland and how we try to better or worsen the situation for everyone!
#twitch #youtube #gaming #games #hoi4 #owb #heartsofiron4 #oldworldblues #grandstrategy #strategy
#twitch #youtube #gaming #games #hoi4 #owb #heartsofiron4 #oldworldblues #GrandStrategy #strategy
Blubb Blubb!
Today we start a new run in @PDXVictoria!
This time we increased our mod roster with a lot of goodies as well.
Come and take a look!
#twitchgaming #gaming #grandstrategy #victoria3
#twitchgaming #gaming #GrandStrategy #Victoria3
If you are interested in #grandstrategy with big brain challenges, look no further!
This #distantworlds2 series turned out to be quite a bit more of a #challenge than I thought. But it is a lot of fun as well!
#GrandStrategy #distantworlds2 #challenge #extreme #teekan #youtube
#GrandStrategy #EuropaUniversalisIV is this week's #free as in #gratis #game on #EpicGames.
(Next week's will be #PCBuildingSimulator.)
#GratisGames #FreeGames #EuropaUniversalis #ParadoxInteractive #ParadoxDevelopmentStudio
#GrandStrategy #europauniversalisiv #free #gratis #game #epicgames #PCBuildingSimulator #GratisGames #freegames #europauniversalis #paradoxinteractive #paradoxdevelopmentstudio