released today, just in & de-freezing now...
Frank Zappa - Waka/Wazoo 4cd+blu-ray set plus the respective lps, coloured clear green and brown marbled.
(a.k.a. feeling a wee bit giddy...)
#zappa #FrankZappa #TheGrandWazoo #GrandWazoo #WakaJawaka #WakaWazoo #ZappaRecords
#vinyl #ColouredVinyl #RecordCollection #ZappaCollection
#CatsAndVinyl #Hasthag
#wolfsmixedbag #zappa #frankzappa #thegrandwazoo #GrandWazoo #wakajawaka #wakawazoo #zapparecords #vinyl #colouredvinyl #recordcollection #zappacollection #catsandvinyl #hasthag
was hoping for a Grand Wazoo / Waka Jawaka all year already.
ordered both coloured vinyl editions when announced, let's see if Universal can keep the release date.
..anyway, did not yet pre-order the 4cd+bluray set.
does anyone else of you Zappa afficionados feel that the promo picture for the cd set looks like it has some cheaply made CD-Rs in it?? likely not, but ermm, irritating.
#zappa #frankzappa #GrandWazoo #wakajawaka #wakawazoo