Techies: That's gonna get old fast.
#Government: If We Don't Stand Up ...
Techies. Told you.
#Canadian #Legacy #Media: This is gonna be #great.
Techies: #Google and #Facebook don't get as much out of #linking to your #stories as you seem to think. If you make them #pay to #link to you, they're just gonna stop linking to you.
#CML: (in horror) Oh, they won't do that! They can't! They #need us.
Techies: Uh, not really.
#government #canadian #legacy #media #Great #google #facebook #linking #stories #pay #link #cml #need #onesided #business #mba
#Canadian #Techies: That sounds like a "you" problem. They give you the traffic, you show the visitors good content and, I dunno, sell them subscriptions or something. You figure it out.
Canadian #Legacy #Media: No, that's #hard. We liked it better when almost everyone bought one of our #newspapers every day, because we more or less own them all. There was no #competition. It was #great.
#Government: We Shall Stand Up to American Big Tech, and They Shall Pay to Link.
#canadian #techies #legacy #media #hard #Newspapers #competition #Great #government #bigtech
Global News BC: B.C. great grandmother celebrates 99th birthday skydiving with great grandson #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #skydivinggreatgrandmother #Great-grandmother #interestinglife #skydivingfamily #skydivingsenior #luciekoenig #Lifestyle #Skydiving #Birthday #Family #nofear #Senior
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #skydivinggreatgrandmother #Great #interestinglife #skydivingfamily #skydivingsenior #luciekoenig #lifestyle #skydiving #birthday #family #nofear #senior
Elle Fanning revela comentário absurdo que ouviu após perder papel em filme aos 16 anos: “É tão nojento”; assista
#Great #Malévola #Filme #ElleFanning #Assédio #ViNoInstagram #Famosos #Buzz
#Great #malevola #filme #ellefanning #assedio #vinoinstagram #famosos #buzz
CDC Bought Phone Data of 55 MILLION Americans to Monitor Lockdown Adherence [MIRROR]
#digitalID #Identity #discernment #government #tech #technology #G20 #HealthPassport #socialcredit #id2020 #ESG #UniversaLid #UID #15MinuteCities #projectlockstep #vaccinepassports #digitalcertificates #Covid #greencard #control #Track #Trace #Facial #Recognition #constitution #constitutional #NO #DigitaLidTruth #nano #technology #leapfrog #keystone #treasure #map #liberty #freedom #life #agenda21 #agenda2030 #great #reset #projection101 #Covfefe #Retruth
#Digitalid #Identity #Discernment #government #tech #technology #g20 #healthpassport #socialcredit #id2020 #ESG #UniversalID #UID #15MinuteCities #projectlockstep #VaccinePassports #DigitalCertificates #COVID #greencard #Control #track #trace #facial #Recognition #constitution #constitutional #NO #DigitaLidTruth #nano #leapfrog #keystone #treasure #map #liberty #freedom #life #agenda21 #agenda2030 #Great #reset #projection101 #covfefe #ReTruth
The Prophet Elijah
Elijah the Tishbite was a major prophet mentioned in the Old Testament. His ministry extended during the time of Ahab from 874-853 B.C. (ref 2Ch 21:4-16). He confronted King Ahab, who allowed the worship of Baal and idolatry throughout Israel, and went up against over 400 of Baal’s false prophets (ref 1Ki 18).
Elijah had the power and authority to call a famine in the land and announce when the rain would return (ref 1Ki 17:1-2; 1Ki 18:16-46). Elijah performed many signs and miracles through the power of God’s Spirit including: the raising of the dead (ref 1Ki 17) and calling down fire from heaven (ref 1Ki 18:38).
Want to find out more on Elijah? We have lots of resources at
#TheVoiceOfHealing #Elijah #Prophet #Spirit #God #Great #Terrible Day
#terrible #Great #god #spirit #prophet #Elijah #thevoiceofhealing
Just had another fab chat with one of my #great nieces 🙂
She's 15, nearly 16, and so interesting to talk with. She makes me laugh and makes me think and brightens my day. Thank you, Hannah 🙂
A treat to meet the Minister for Higher Education again and to meet exceptional Kazakstan graduates who studied in British universities. Many,many congratulations to the British Council,UK embassy and all the alumni - @UKinKZ @BritishCouncil @MFA_KZ @KathyLeachFCDO @kzBritish
RT @SeanMelbourne2: The 🇬🇧 Alumni never fail to inspire and #GREAT futures happen when you study in the UK 📚 #AlumniAwards #Kazakhstan @UKinKZ @kzBritish @KathyLeachFCDO @Baroness_Nichol
#Great #AlumniAwards #Kazakhstan
Scientists fear a Great Toxic Dustbowl could soon emerge from the #Great #Salt #Lake
When lake levels hit historic lows in recent months, 800 square miles of lakebed were exposed – soil that holds centuries of natural and manmade toxins like mercury, arsenic and selenium. As that mud turns to dust and swirls to join some of the worst winter air pollution in the nation, scientists warn that the massive body of water on its way to becoming the #Great #Toxic #Dustbowl.
#Great #salt #lake #toxic #dustbowl #bread #börek #börekler #hamur #hamurişi #pastry #pasta #pâtisserie #patty #roti #roote #rote #receta #ricetta #ricette #recipes #yummy #great #rezept #resept #tarif #tarifler #tarifdefterim #lezzetli #delicious #tasty #easy #eat #dinner #diy
#bread #borek #borekler #hamur #hamurisi #pastry #pasta #patisserie #patty #roti #roote #rote #receta #ricetta #ricette #recipes #yummy #Great #rezept #resept #Tarif #tarifler #tarifdefterim #lezzetli #delicious #tasty #easy #eat #dinner #diy #bread #börek #börekler #hamur #hamurişi #pastry #pasta #pâtisserie #patty #roti #roote #rote #receta #ricetta #ricette #recipes #yummy #great #rezept #resept #tarif #tarifler #tarifdefterim #lezzetli #delicious #tasty #easy #eat #dinner #diy
#bread #borek #borekler #hamur #hamurisi #pastry #pasta #patisserie #patty #roti #roote #rote #receta #ricetta #ricette #recipes #yummy #Great #rezept #resept #Tarif #tarifler #tarifdefterim #lezzetli #delicious #tasty #easy #eat #dinner #diy #bread #börek #börekler #hamur #hamurişi #pastry #pasta #pâtisserie #patty #roti #roote #rote #receta #ricetta #ricette #recipes #yummy #great #rezept #resept #tarif #tarifler #tarifdefterim #lezzetli #delicious #tasty #easy #eat #dinner #diy
#bread #borek #borekler #hamur #hamurisi #pastry #pasta #patisserie #patty #roti #roote #rote #receta #ricetta #ricette #recipes #yummy #Great #rezept #resept #Tarif #tarifler #tarifdefterim #lezzetli #delicious #tasty #easy #eat #dinner #diy
#commercial : Our #product is the #future . You don't want to be a #dinosaur , do you? It doesn't really work yet, but if you buy it, you will be part of something #great and you will be able to say "I was part of something great" as soon as it will work. Also: Our product will bring into reality, what you have seen in #sci-fi #movies . - Just not yet, but almost. Buy it and you will be a modern, young person, a trailblazer, who always new.
#commercial #product #future #dinosaur #Great #sci #movies
While many in the #biden #administration would certainly not give credit to #donaldtrump on this particular #prediction, not many would also disagree that the looming #recession can easily turn into a #severe #slowdown, mirroring the #great #depression of the 1930s.
Ironic that #trump said this first, drawing parallels to a bygone #interwar #era, which is now widely perceived by #economic #historians to have #catalyzed the rise of #fascism.
#biden #administration #DonaldTrump #prediction #recession #severe #slowdown #Great #depression #trump #interwar #era #economic #historians #catalyzed #fascism
Global News BC: Convicted Penticton, B.C. killer Grace Robotti granted temporary release to volunteer #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Great-grandsonmotherkiller #EscortedTemporaryabsence #Pentictonkiller #Temporaryleave #GraceRobotti #motherkiller #naramata #Kelowna #Crime #eTA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #Great #EscortedTemporaryabsence #Pentictonkiller #Temporaryleave #GraceRobotti #motherkiller #naramata #kelowna #crime #eta
#December 18, 1898
#OTD Ethelind Fearon, #English #Gardener & #Writer, is born.
In her book, The #Reluctant Gardener (1952), she wrote,
With #Flowers, as w/ all [things] #Garden, you 1st decide what #Kind you #Want to #Grow, Then whittle it down to what you CAN grow in the space.
When you [Review] the #List & Reduce it to what you can #Afford to grow,
Then #Eliminate the ones you know from #Bitter #Experience will #Refuse to grow,
You #Save a very #Great deal of labour, indeed.
#December #otd #english #gardener #writer #reluctant #flowers #garden #kind #want #grow #list #afford #eliminate #bitter #experience #refuse #save #Great #gardening
I will lure you in with promises of food & fashion, & then #relentlessly #barrage you with #WhyCovidIsBad #WhyYouDoNotWantCovid #PrecautionaryPrinciple
🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤to that end #cashmere
#great 🧵👇🏼
Buy #scottish #vintage & despite what labels say, can hand wash, #nay even machine in net bag, your cashmere in cool/ #tepid water & dash of Non-#BigSoap detergent. No dryer; spray w/water & iron wool if desired
#relentlessly #barrage #whycovidisbad #whyyoudonotwantcovid #PrecautionaryPrinciple #cashmere #Great #Scottish #vintage #nay #tepid #bigsoap