I'm not doing much for the #GreatBackyardBirdCount this year, but at least I spotted a very lively Eurasian nuthatch on a feeder this morning.
Bird nerding at Juanita Bay today - we saw a ton of teals, wood duck, bald eagles and lots more #GreatBackyardBirdCount #birding #pnw
#GreatBackyardBirdCount #birding #pnw
#gbbc #GreatBackyardBirdCount #eBird
Weekend fail. Next to no birds.
4 species the whole weekend
I forgot to look in the neighbour's tree.
#gbbc #GreatBackyardBirdCount #eBird
The highlight on today’s #GreatBackyardBirdCount was probably the male #NorthernHarrier (aka gray host). But my picture was terrible so here is today’s #YellowBelliedSapsucker instead.
#GBBC #Birds BirdsOfMastodon #BackyardBirding
#GreatBackyardBirdCount #northernharrier #yellowbelliedsapsucker #gbbc #birds #backyardbirding