A magazine of Black politics and culture
Hammer & Hope is a new magazine of Black politics and culture. It is a project rooted in the power of solidarity, the spirit of struggle and the generative power of debate, all of which are vital parts of our movement toward freedom.
We are inspired by the courageous #BlackCommunists in Alabama whose lives and struggles to organize against capitalism and white supremacist terror in the 1930s and 1940s are memorialized in Robin D. G. Kelley’s book “Hammer and Hoe,” from which we take our name.
We will envision collectively what a better future might look like and the strategies that could get us there. Such an undertaking compels us to deepen our knowledge of history, politics, culture and our own movements.
Our aim is to build a project whose politics and aesthetics reflects the electric spirit of the protesters who flooded the streets in 2020, a project that breathes life into the transformative ideas pointing us towards the world we deserve.
Come join us. We have a world to win.
#GreenNewDeal Architect Rhiana Gunn-Wright (article published in Hammer and Hope) Warns the Green Transition May Leave Black People Behind
September 01, 2023
Book cover: "Hammer and Hoe", by Robin D G Kelley
edit: added Democracynow link
#BlackMastodon #blackvoices #blackcommunists #americancommunism #GreatDepression #hammerandhope #greennewdeal
Today in Labor History May 26, 1895: American photojournalist Dorothea Lange was born. She is best-known for her empathetic photographs of people during the Great Depression. However, she is also one of the first to document the suffering of Japanese Americans who were imprisoned during World War II.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #GreatDepression #poverty #ww2 #japanese #prison #ConcentrationCamp #journalism #photography #DorotheaLange
#workingclass #LaborHistory #GreatDepression #poverty #ww2 #japanese #prison #concentrationcamp #journalism #photography #dorotheaLange
Mickey gets a little... Bolshevik-y in my third article on the history of Disney music. (Guest appearances by Herbert Hoover, Ann Ronell and The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band!)
#disneymusic #GreatDepression #mickeymouse #bonzodogdoodahband
Today in Labor History April 14, 1935: The Black Sunday dust storm swept across the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles. This was one of the worst storms of the Dust Bowl. 4 years later, on this same date, John Steinbeck published his classic novel, The Grapes of Wrath, about Dust Bowl refugees in California.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #DustBowl #GreatDepression #JohnSteinbeck #GrapesOfWrath #refugees #poverty #fiction @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #dustbowl #GreatDepression #JohnSteinbeck #GrapesOfWrath #refugees #poverty #fiction
Today in Labor History April 10, 1941: Police burned down Seattle's largest Hooverville. Hoovervilles were shanty towns set up by workers impoverished during the Great Depression to protest the policies of President Hoover. Seattle's Hooverville was first constructed in 1931 and encompassed 25 city blocks. The police had burnt it down twice before, but each time, residents had rebuilt it. There were other symbols of poverty that were named after President Hoover. For example, a Hoover blanket was a blanket made of old newspapers. A Hoover flag was a pocket turned inside out. And Hoover leather was old cardboard used to line the insides of worn-out shoes.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #Hooverville #GreatDepression #homelessness #PoliceBrutality #poverty #arson
#workingclass #LaborHistory #hooverville #GreatDepression #homelessness #policebrutality #poverty #arson
#Hyperinflation meets the #GreatDepression – Andy Schectman warns Mike Adams about the catastrophic #bankingcollapse now accelerating
#bankingcollapse #GreatDepression #hyperinflation
#Hyperinflation meets the #GreatDepression – Andy Schectman warns Mike Adams about the catastrophic #bankingcollapse now accelerating
#bankingcollapse #GreatDepression #hyperinflation
Today in Labor History March 6, 1930: 100,000 people demonstrated for jobs in New York City. Demonstrations by unemployed workers demanding unemployment insurance occurred in virtually every major U.S. city. In New York, police attacked a crowd of 35,000. In Cleveland, 10,000 people battled police. In Detroit, the Communist Party organized an underemployment demonstration. Over 50,000 people showed up. Thousands took to the streets in Toledo, Flint and Pontiac. These demonstrations led to the creation of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), sponsored by Republican congressman Hamilton Fish, with the support of the American Federation of Labor, to investigate and quash radical activities.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #unemployment #huac #communism #PoliceBrutality #GreatDepression #riot
#workingclass #LaborHistory #unemployment #huac #communism #policebrutality #GreatDepression #Riot
Another great take from #WaPo ‘s #CatherineRampell — in this case on the latest #DebtLimit showdown as nagging consequence of long-deferred upkeep on a legislative structure, created at the time of the #GreatDepression :
#wapo #catherinerampell #debtlimit #GreatDepression
Today in Labor History February 2, 1931: U.S. citizens of Mexican heritage were “repatriated” to Mexico. During the decade’s first four years, the federal government deported anywhere from several hundred thousand to 1.8 million Mexicans. 40-60% of those deported were U.S. citizens and overwhelmingly children. President Hoover blamed Mexicans for the Great Depression and deported them in huge numbers to win support from his right-wing base.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #deportation #immigration #greatdepression #hoover #mexico #children
#workingclass #LaborHistory #deportation #immigration #GreatDepression #hoover #mexico #children
We Just Witnessed An #Economic Sign That Hasn’t Happened Since The Peak Of The #GreatDepression In #1932 https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/we-just-witnessed-an-economic-sign-that-hasnt-happened-since-the-peak-of-the-great-depression-in-1932/
Someone knew. #inflation #GreatDepression #history https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063206/1923-10-19/ed-1/seq-8/
#inflation #GreatDepression #history
I’m just now reconciling the word “draft” with the military, WWI veterans popularizing college football during the Roaring 20’s, and its institution during the height of the Great Depression https://youtu.be/8viG1uiVvbk
#nfl #collegefootball #draft #GreatDepression
Interesting photo taken during the #GreatDepression, #ThursdayThoughts, #Thursday, #eyeswideshut
#GreatDepression #thursdaythoughts #thursday #eyeswideshut
A farmer’s wife and baby wait in the family car as he attends an auction, Kansas, 1938. Photographed by J. Vachone. #vintage #photo #greatdepression #farming
#vintage #photo #GreatDepression #farming
Uprooted woman, Michigan, 1940. Photo by J. Vachon. #greatdepression #vintage #photography #michigan
#GreatDepression #vintage #photography #michigan
Learn from the past: 25 Ways people earned money during the #GreatDepression
Need cash for your #homestead? Here are 25 ways people made money during the #GreatDepression #prepping #survival
#survival #prepping #GreatDepression #homestead
Need cash for your #homestead? Here are 25 ways people made money during the #GreatDepression #prepping #survival
#survival #prepping #GreatDepression #homestead
Listening to records at Plum Point, 1928 #vintage #photos #GreatDepression
#vintage #photos #GreatDepression