Sewers in London:
> ... it’s really interested me to try to understand why people decided to do it. After all, it was going to be to their financial detriment, it was a massive project with uncertain long-term outcomes, but people did it. And the reason, I think, after reading extensively.. it was done was just that people felt it was the right thing to do.
#TimothyFlannery parallels #Cholera and #ClimateChaos #GlobalWarming found thanks to #AmitavGosh #GreatDerangment
#GreatDerangment #AmitavGosh #globalwarming #climatechaos #cholera #TimothyFlannery
> ..even to speak of the #weather, that safest of subjects, is now to risk a quarrel with a denialist neighbour. No less than they mock the discontinuities and boundaries of the nation state, do these connections defy the boundedness of ‘place’, creating continuities of experience between Bengal and Louisiana, New York and Mumbai, Tibet and Alaska.
#AmitavGhosh in The #GreatDerangment has me thinking of today's continuities between #Pakistan and #Mississippi.
#Climate #ClimateChaos
#climatechaos #climate #mississippi #pakistan #GreatDerangment #AmitavGhosh #weather