Combating desertification in developing countries: A question of political will #ClimateChange #COP15 #desertification #GreatGreenWall
#climatechange #cop15 #desertification #GreatGreenWall
Combating desertification in developing countries: A question of political will #ClimateChange #COP15 #desertification #GreatGreenWall
#climatechange #cop15 #desertification #GreatGreenWall
It's today at @Europarl_FR! Our conference on the #GreatGreenWall can also be followed remotely.
RT @AfricaEuropeFdn: 📢||HAPPENING TODAY||
⏰14:00-17:00 CEST
📍 European Parliament
💻Register to join☞
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#GreatGreenWall #JournéedelAfrique
RT @UNCCD: 🚨 COMING UP: "Accelerating the #GreatGreenWall: Fostering the Africa-Europe Partnership for a Just Rural Transformation in the Sahel" #UNited4Land
📅 Thurs. 25 May @ 2PM European Parliament
✏️ Register to attend:
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De retour de la mission @EP_Development au Sénégal, très fière d’organiser cet événement sur la #GrandeMurailleVerte au @Europarl_FR et honorée de recevoir les acteurs qui l’animent 🌍
RT @RaphaelDanglade: Join us on Thursday 25th May at the #EuropeanParliament for a high-level conference on the #GreatGreenWall, one of the flagships of the #AUEU partnership!
@CathChabaud @StephaneBIJOUX @NEPAD_Mayaki @ibrahimthiaw @IssoufouMhm @FondationIM
Register here: https:…
#GrandeMurailleVerte #EuropeanParliament #GreatGreenWall #AUEU
“International summits are not difficult to organize if you have the money, and pledges are easily made. But unkept promises fuel anger and mistrust, at the same time worsening both poverty and the environment.”
#africa #climateChange #greatGreenWall
Is Africa’s Great Green Wall project withering?
#Africa #climatechange #GreatGreenWall
Our colleague Martí Perpinya will present his work on the quantification of #carbon stocks at individual tree level in semi-arid regions at the
Euro Geosciences General Assembly
This allows to assess the impact of #restoration and #conservation efforts in agroforestry parcels in #Africa
#carbon #restoration #conservation #africa #EGU23 #GreatGreenWall
Is the digital age dawning for the #GreatGreenWall? Project launched by UNCCD @FAO @globhedrones @OpenForis uses satellite data to recognize individual baobabs and plot them on a map.
Major boost to conservation and restoration in the Sahel #UNited4Land #SEPAL
#Sepal #UNited4Land #GreatGreenWall
#GreatGreenWall finde ich eine der wirklich vernünftigen Ideen unserer Zeit.
Ich hab zwar nur beiläufig davon erfahren, aber gehe davon aus, dass es sich schlicht auszahlt, hier dran zu bleiben.
Es gibt im Netz unzählige Infos, ich wollte aber nur wiki verlinken
#KlimaKrise #Klimawandel #africa #Sahel #Sahara
#GreatGreenWall #KlimaKrise #klimawandel #africa #Sahel #sahara
Oggi parliamo della grande muraglia verde! Un ambizioso progetto contro la desertificazione
#Scienza #Tecnologia #Divulgazione #Ambiente #CambiamentiClimatici #GreatGreenWall #Africa
#africa #GreatGreenWall #cambiamenticlimatici #ambiente #divulgazione #tecnologia #scienza
#グレート・グリーン・ウォール (緑の長城) #GreatGreenWall とは、#EU も支援する、1億ヘクタールの土地を回復し、2億5000万トンの炭素を吸収し、1,000万人の雇用を創出する、#アフリカ 主導の壮大な #森林再生 計画です🌳🌱🍃
#グレート #GreatGreenWall #EU #アフリカ #森林再生
A great pleasure to exchange with @SylvainItte Ambassador of France in Niamey this afternoon @ambafr_in_niger. We’re delighted to continue working with @AFD in #Niger on a new program starting soon on the #GreatGreenWall.@RESCUEorg
A 15 anni di distanza dalla partenza del progetto, la desertificazione inizia ad arretrare: ma serve fare ancora molto.
Afrikas grüne Mauer - Mit Bäumen gegen die Wüste
#Blog Eintrag von Michael Ganhör
Während Regenwälder in Flammen stehen und Wüsten sich ausbreiten, plant dieses innovative Projekt die Renaturierung einer der größten und trockensten Regionen der Welt.
#blog #GreatGreenWall #aufforstung #wüste #wald #sahel
#Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees
Ecosia is a search engine that donates most of it's income to #reforestation projects all over the world.
It is not only #CO2 neutral, but actually climate positive. They run on 200% renewable energy and every search request removes 1kg of CO2 from the atmosphere.
According to the website as of today they planted 120,2 million trees.
But they aim much higher.
Ecosia supports the #GreatGreenWall and aims to plant 1 billion trees across the #Sahel region.
They have already restored 35,000 hectares in Burkina Faso, Senegal, Mali and Ethiopia.
Help the project by making Ecosia your default search engine across all devices. Tell your family and friends to do the same and help them if they need it.
#ecosia #reforestation #co2 #GreatGreenWall #Sahel #forestation #trees #ClimateJustice #ClimateCrisis
3 Ways to support the #GreatGreenWall:
1. Make it famous.
Tell everybody you know about the GGW, post about it on social media, ask your local newspaper to do a report on it, ask your government to support it, if they don't already do.
2. Sign the pledge or donate on the website:
3. Support initiatives that work with the great green wall.
#Ecosia is one such initiative. If you know of any others please post them below.
#forestation #reforestation #desertification #trees #donate #ClimateJustice #ClimateCrisis
#GreatGreenWall #ecosia #forestation #reforestation #desertification #trees #donate #ClimateJustice #ClimateCrisis
The #GreatGreenWall supports an astonishing 15 of the 17 #SustainableDevelopmentGoals (#SDG|s).
The 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals are 17 Goals adopted by world leaders that aim to end poverty, promote prosperity and well-being for all, and protect the planet.
Growing a green wall across the #Sahel does much more than just restore degraded land. This extraordinary initiative fights #poverty and #hunger, builds local resilience to #ClimateChange, improves health and well-being, creates jobs, boosts economic opportunities and much much more.
The goals the wall supports:
1. End Poverty: The GGW ensures sustainable jobs in agriculture.
2. End Hunger: The wall doesn't just consist of trees, but also sustainable farming.
3. Ensure Healthy Lives: The wall provides healthy food and water and protects against droughts and famine.
4. Ensure Inclusive Education: The wall creates income for rural communities, which is, among other things, used to build schools.
5. Achieve Gender Equality: The wall provides jobs for women. Also it raises the groundwater meaning people don't have to go so far to find a filled well, which is traditionally the women's job.
6. Ensure Sustainable Water Management: Healthy Forests raise the ground water and even attract rain. A healthy soil also cleans the water.
7. Ensure Sustainable Energy: Some of the funds go directly into creating solar plants. The combination of solar energy and farming is genius. The solar panels provide shade for the plants and the plants cool the panels to make them more efficient.
8. Ensure Sustainable Work: restoring soil means restoring jobs and not just in agriculture.
9. Build Resilient Infrastructure: By creating sustainable jobs roads and other infrastructure that is being built will be used for a long time and not degrade after it's no longer needed.
10. Reduce Inequality: The GGW provides well paying jobs mainly in rural areas and for poor people.
12. Ensure Sustainable Consumption & Production: The GGW provides training for sustainable farming techniques.
13. Combat Climate Change: by 2030 the wall aims to sequester 250 million tonnes of carbon.
15. Protect Terrestrial Ecosystems: Forests restore the soil and increase biodiversity.
16. Promote Peaceful and Inclusive Societies: Most of the conflicts in the region are about scarce resources like water and food.
17. Strengthen the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development: The GGW is a global project with many different countries and institutions working together for a common goal.
#GreatGreenWall #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #sdg #Sahel #poverty #hunger #ClimateChange
This is amazing:
"The Great Green Wall isn’t just for the Sahel. It is a global symbol for humanity overcoming its biggest threat – our rapidly degrading environment.
It shows that if we can work with nature, even in challenging places like the Sahel, we can overcome adversity, and build a better world for generations to come."
#GreatGreenWall #biodiversity #nature
This is amazing:
"The Great Green Wall isn’t just for the Sahel. It is a global symbol for humanity overcoming its biggest threat – our rapidly degrading environment.
It shows that if we can work with nature, even in challenging places like the Sahel, we can overcome adversity, and build a better world for generations to come."
#GreatGreenWall #biodiversity #nature
The #GreatGreenWall aims to restore 100 million hectares of currently degraded land, sequester 250 million tonnes of carbon and create 10 million jobs in rural areas. (by 2030)
👉 46% of African land is degraded, jeopardizing the livelihoods of nearly two-thirds of the Continent’s population.
👉 20 million people in the Horn of Africa in 2017 declared on the verge of starvation following severe drought and food crises.
👉 Millions are expected to migrate from degraded parts of Africa in the next two decades
👉 100 million population of the Sahel is expected to grow to 340 million by 2050
👉 200 million of the 375 million young people entering the job market over the next 15 years will be living in rural areas.
Results so far:
🌴 12 million drought resistant trees were planted in Senegal
🌵 15 million hectare of degraded land were restored in Ethiopia; 5 million in Nigeria
🌳 5 million hectares of land have been restored in Niger, delivering 500.000 tonnes of grain per year. enough to feed 2.5 million people
🌱 3 million hectares in Burkina Faso have been rehabilitated through local practice used by communities called Zaï
#reforestation #ClimateMitigation #ClimateCrisis #ClimateJustice
#GreatGreenWall #reforestation #climatemitigation #ClimateCrisis #ClimateJustice