My theory about conspiracy theorists is that they rarely actually believe what they’re claiming. They do it to further a (usually) right wing agenda
The wording of some questions will have distorted the results but there’s definitely enough support to build a movement here
#ConspiracyTheories #GreatReplacementTheory #15MinuteCities #TerrorismCoverUp #CostOfLivingCrisis #GreatReset #UKPol
#ukpol #greatreset #Costoflivingcrisis #terrorismcoverup #15minutecities #GreatReplacementTheory #conspiracytheories
Accelerationism Meets Gamification: A Look at the Convergence in the Framing of Online Narratives – GNET
#gaming #gamification #WhiteSupremacy #extremism #GreatReplacementTheory #Acceleration
#gaming #gamification #whitesupremacy #extremism #GreatReplacementTheory #Acceleration
Ach du liebe #ZEIT!
Twitter ist das eine...
...aber muss man sich dort Musk so direkt anpassen?
Der Tweet ist sehr schnell gelöscht worden.
#GreatReplacementTheory #clickbait #zeit
"While pro-natalists don’t exactly go around saying that they only want white people to be born, there is a very thin line between their concern about birth rates in the developed world and the racist and antisemitic “great replacement theory”....It goes without saying that the global population is currently increasing, not decreasing, and the fastest growth is happening in Africa and Asia"
#Eugenics #WhiteSupremacy #Population #ProNatalism #GreatReplacementTheory
#GreatReplacementTheory #pronatalism #population #whitesupremacy #eugenics
Very good piece by Benali Hamdash about the rather disgraceful reporting about the 2021 #census results recently published. Even the Guardian slipped into framing echoing the #GreatReplacementTheory
"Distorted reporting of the 2021 census echoes a racist conspiracy theory"
#census #GreatReplacementTheory #racism #atheism #population
As Midterms Approach, White Christian Nationalism is Mainstream for the GOP — And it’s Only Getting Worse | Religion Dispatches
As one might imagine, Yale University’s recent conference on White Christian nationalism and the midterm elections was full of sobering information. And yet, two conclusions managed to stand apart from the rest. First, that the phenomenon is firmly anchored within the Republican and conservative mainstream; and second, that its most fanatical proponents keep moving further and further to the Right.
#USPol #Midterms2022 #2022Midterms #Midterms #MidtermElections #ChristianNationalism #Trumpism #MAGA #FarRight #Extremism #GOP #USRepublicans #RepublicanParty #GreatReplacementTheory #GRT #AmericanExceptionalism
#uspol #Midterms2022 #2022midterms #Midterms #MidtermElections #ChristianNationalism #trumpism #maga #FarRight #extremism #gop #USRepublicans #RepublicanParty #GreatReplacementTheory #GRT #AmericanExceptionalism
We have to understand: Our country is under attack by our own people, far-left Marxist 'revolutionaries' who despise America as founded.
#farleftMarxistrevolutionaries #GreatReplacementTheory