The lava dome inside the summit crater of the Great Sitkin volcano in the Aleutian Islands, as seen from a helicopter carrying Alaska Volcano Observatory geologists to the summit to take samples. Image looks to the west, with Adak and Kanaga islands visible on the horizon. Photo was taken on September 3, 2023.
Photo: M. Loewen USGS/AVO
#geology #AleutianIslands #GreatSitkin #alaska #volcanoes
#volcan #volcano #GreatSitkin L'activité semble s'être affaiblie/Looks like activity weakened; données/data : SENTINEL2 - ESA/Copernicus
#volcan #volcano #GreatSitkin L'éruption se poursuit, toujours uniquement extrusive. Elle produit deux lobes de lave visqueuse à très très faible débit/Mainly effusive eruption is ongoing/It produces 2 viscous lava lobes at very very low rate
RT @ar_etsch: 🌋👀🛰 #GreatSitkin #volcano #Alaska
It once again looks clearly visible from the clouds and reveals the view into the crater and the very light lava activity.
Seen from 🛰#Sentinel2 in EO-Browser 3D 2022.06.07
Footage: @CopernicusEU @sentinel_hub
#GreatSitkin #volcano #Alaska #Sentinel2