Mark Stoneman · @markstoneman
593 followers · 2112 posts · Server

Here's an early two-part animation about the need for U.S. soldiers of the Great War to be patient and wait until the army, facing an unprecedented logistical challenge in demobilization, got to them. The cartoon's humor relies on negative sterotypes of a certain kind of woman who would lead gullible good men astray.
Part I: (1/2) 🧡

#GreatWar #worldwarone #postwar #gender

Last updated 1 year ago

It's hard for me to believe that this Red Cross Moving "Fort" was actually used to convey soldiers between trenches. How could that small wheeled frame make it across the Western Front's rough terrain? And how could such a light-weight protective shield offer meaningful cover? -- Photo by Bain News Service, ca. 1914/15. Source: Library of Congress,

#GreatWar #worldwar #wwi #historicalphotographs #strangecontraptions

Last updated 1 year ago

Matt Austern · @austern
153 followers · 385 posts · Server

My birthday present from @ladymondegreen. A great present for anyone who's deeply interested in history! I've seen several bibliographies that list it as the essential starting point for anyone reading about the origins of the War. It's also hard to find, at least in English translation, which is why I didn't already have a copy.


#GreatWar #books

Last updated 1 year ago

Matt Austern · @austern
152 followers · 375 posts · Server

Some trivia I've learned from the history I'm currently reading:
- Yes, the family that founded Haig Whisky was indeed the same one that produced General Sir Douglas Haig.
- The person to popularize "Establishment" as a pejorative was David Lloyd George.
- The military band that played triumphant music on top of Mt. Santo after its capture in the Eleventh Battle of the Isonzo was conducted by Arturo Toscanini.


Last updated 1 year ago

Volunteers on the Battle of Jutland Crew Lists project are reviewing service records to identify those that served at the battle. New finds are being circulated to interested parties and to assist this we have set up a group address of @battle-of-jutland-crew-lists-project

As updates are being posted from various volunteer accounts we recommend that you follow this address rather than those of the poster.

#familyhistory #genealogy #GreatWar #ancestorian #royalnavy #battleofjutland

Last updated 2 years ago
This address has been set up for followers of the Battle of Jutland Crew Lists project. Several accounts will post to this address.

#GreatWar #ww1 #royalnavy #genealogy #worldwar1 #ancestorian

Last updated 2 years ago

This link provides details of all of the 627 Victoria Cross recipients during the Great War. Captain Noel Godfrey Chavasse was a double VC recipient. Photographs are presented where known.



#genealogy #GreatWar #ww1 #wikitree #history #worldwar1 #familyhistory #ancestorian #vc #VictoriaCross

Last updated 2 years ago

details of all of the 738 members of the crew of HMS Monmouth that was sunk in the Battle of Coronel, off Chile, on 1st November 1914. There were no survivors.



#royalnavy #familyhistory #genealogy #GreatWar #ww1 #wikitree #ancestorian

Last updated 2 years ago

Follow or add to your posts β€ͺ@RN-in-WW1‬
For information on The Royal Navy in The Great War (WW1). The ships and the men.

@ww1-navy is a group for any navy in WW1

But this new group is specifically on The Royal Navy.

#royalnavy #GreatWar #genealogy #familyhistory #ww1 #worldwar1

Last updated 2 years ago