Black history month will come to an end, however, here at GenderCC we celebrate and honor the life, work and legacy of black activists and scholars everyday and every single month through our advocacy work.
Today we are paying tribute to Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan environmental and political activist and the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
In 1977, Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement which is an indigenous grassroots organization in Kenya that empowers women and focuses on planting trees and environmental conservation. She was a pioneer in linking environmental protection to human rights. The Green Belt Movement has planted more than 130 million trees in Africa and helped more than 900.000 (according an estimation in 2016).
Maathai’s activism started from a dream that she had as a child living in rural Kenya, and she devoted her life to protecting the environment and promoting democracy and peace.
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#blackhistorymonth #blackhistory #wangarimaathai #feminism #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice #GenderEquality #genderjustice #GreenBeltmovement #ActNow #activism #climateactivist