The ceremony for the signature of the grant agreement between #CINEA_EU & #GreenSwitch beneficiaries took place today!
The project will get €73 million of #CEFEnergy support to contribute to a stronger & secured 🇪🇺 #grid, benefiting consumers in 🇦🇹🇭🇷🇸🇮
#CINEA_EU #GreenSwitch #CEFEnergy #grid
RT @cinea_EU: The ceremony for the signature of the grant agreement between #CINEA_EU & #GreenSwitch beneficiaries took place today!
The project will get €73 million of #CEFEnergy support to contribute to a stronger & secured 🇪🇺 #grid, benefiting consumers in 🇦🇹🇭🇷🇸🇮
#CINEA_EU #GreenSwitch #CEFEnergy #grid
Z #REPowerEU in #EUGreenDeal skrbimo za energetsko neodvisnost Evrope in prehod na čisto energijo.
Danes predstavljamo 600 mio EUR vreden načrt naložb v energetsko infrastrukturo. ⚡️
Vključuje tudi #GreenSwitch, projekt nadgradnje električnih omrežij v 🇸🇮, 🇦🇹 in na 🇭🇷. 👇
RT @TimMcPhieEU: Announcing over €600m of European funding for new energy infrastructure
Important news for our #REPowerEU Plan to end our imports of Russian energy
Projects will be in 🇧🇪🇭🇷🇫🇷🇮…
#REPowerEU #EUGreenDeal #GreenSwitch