thought we'd retell the tale of the pin here / we had 20 of these cactus pins for #GreenTeam coming to #Dicks / just a little team swag & cactus our fave logo / gave one to Mary @Legionofmary555 in the Hospitality Suite on Thursday night (what a party woohee...)
Friday morning Mary at a Denver coffee shop & in walked Mike Gordon / she gave him the pin / next thing you know Gordo did this IG post
what a #phish community
we're all the bathtub now
making bathtub gin
Ed Sheeran / Lumen Field / Aug 26 2023
Took the next generation of #GreenTeam to see their favorite #Ed Sheeran
Amazing show / visual presentation stunning / surprised by variety of styles / songs got weird for such popular music
wild for most of the record attendance Ed was onstage solo (using infinite guitar loops) / joined by Seattle’s own #Macklemore / on evening where most people in the stands swayed & bobbed, everyone had their hands up / Ed’s talent & passion is infectious
#GreenTeam #ed #macklemore #edhead
happy 30th #Phishaversary to #GreenTeam #AllStar @tuneslist!
#phishaversary #GreenTeam #allstar
HB3 🧵
kicking this thread off by recognizing three #GreenTeam competitors with the Tour Wook Award for Phish 2023 Spring Tour / all 8 shows in style #dance and positive vibrations
please share our congrats to @fluff @melaniebrenda Adam for their commitment to the groove
/ #Phish / #HollywoodBowl night 3 / #HB3 / Apr 23 2023
#GreenTeam #dance #phish #hollywoodbowl #hb3
#Eggy aftershow at The Bourbon Room
/ #phish / #HollywoodBowl night 1 / Apr 21 2023
/ content kudos to @melaniebrenda @fluff Toad Gator #GreenTeam
#eggy #phish #hollywoodbowl #GreenTeam
/ #phish / #HollywoodBowl night 1 / Apr 21 2023
/ content kudos to @melaniebrenda @fluff Toad Gator #GreenTeam
#phish #hollywoodbowl #GreenTeam
Hollywood gathering of the vibes night 1 🧵
Everything seems pretty Right /
Phish spring riding a Wave of Hope /
gonna Blaze On to enjoy ourselves
/ #phish / #HollywoodBowl night 1 / Apr 21 2023
/ content kudos to @melaniebrenda @fluff Toad Gator #GreenTeam 💚🌵
#phish #hollywoodbowl #GreenTeam
/ #Phish / #GreekTheatre / Apr 19 2023
/ content hugs to Sand Teaser RunawayJim Cheech @fluff Hoody & #GreenTeam for the smiles
#phish #greektheatre #GreenTeam
/ #Phish / #GreekTheatre / Apr 19 2023
/ content hugs to Sand Teaser RunawayJim Cheech @fluff Hoody & #GreenTeam for the smiles
#phish #greektheatre #GreenTeam
Tweezer Reprise clip
/ #Phish / #GreekTheatre / Apr 19 2023
/ content hugs to Sand Teaser RunawayJim Cheech @fluff Hoody & #GreenTeam for the smiles
#phish #greektheatre #GreenTeam
/ #Phish / #GreekTheatre / Apr 19 2023
/ content hugs to Sand Teaser RunawayJim Cheech @fluff Hoody & #GreenTeam for the smiles
#phish #greektheatre #GreenTeam
Gorgeous night 3 /
another ambient jam in Set Your Soul Free /
smooth as butta transition to What's the Use? /
Olfactory Hues - we smell #Green!
And really, what is the use? /
Live music with beautiful people /
Is there something more than this?
Always current /
the band playing the eclipse /
Halley's Comet & a Sea of Stars /
Yes happy to Waste our time with you
/ #Phish / #GreekTheatre / Apr 19 2023
/ content hugs to Sand Teaser RunawayJim Cheech & #GreenTeam for the smiles
#green #phish #greektheatre #GreenTeam
the Greek gets the goods! /
what a 2nd set /
top-tier sound /
Tweezer > Simple > Rock & Roll FTW
/ #Phish / The #Greek Theatre / Apr 17 2023 / night 1
/ nods to @melaniebrenda RubyWaves RunawayJim + @fluff for sharing the content 💚
#GreenTeam #audiophiles #phish #greek
we never got everyone rastled together all at once / so here's a couple partial team photos
#Phish #Seattle #Kraken #GreenTeam / April 14-15 2023
#phish #seattle #kraken #GreenTeam
#Phish #Seattle #Kraken #GreenTeam / April 14-15 2023
#phish #seattle #kraken #GreenTeam
#Phish #Seattle #Kraken #GreenTeam / April 14-15 2023
#phish #seattle #kraken #GreenTeam
#Phish #Seattle #Kraken #GreenTeam / April 14-15 2023
#phish #seattle #kraken #GreenTeam
#Phish #Seattle #Kraken #GreenTeam / April 14-15 2023
#phish #seattle #kraken #GreenTeam
2 nights of shared #Phish celebration with a festive crowd / living while we're "young" in cozy Seattle Climate Pledge Arena with friends long and new 💚
#GreenTeam a bit spread out all over the arena so a random mix of photos + vids over the two nights 🌵
only nit / next time 3 nights at the splendid Kraken Center! 🧵