Ontario integrity commissioner puts Ford wedding complaint on hold https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/2023/03/16/ontario-integrity-commissioner-puts-ford-wedding-complaint-on-hold.html via @torontostar #Greenbelt #Onpoli #Cdnpoli
Preserve the Green Belt - Sign the Petition! https://chng.it/pnY6Xs8F via @CdnChange #cdnpoli #onpol #Toronto #Greenbelt #Ontario
#cdnpoli #onpol #toronto #Greenbelt #ontario
Preserve the Green Belt - Sign the Petition! https://chng.it/Byd2sLRL via @CdnChange
needs to be a fraud investigation here folks. #Onpoli #FordFailedOntario #Greenbelt #Cdnpoli
#onpoli #FordfailedOntario #Greenbelt #cdnpoli
RT @CarolDyckGPO@twitter.com
Happening this evening! Bill 23 would be disastrous for Ontario. It is not forward thinking; loss of #Wetlands will bring severe economic, environmental and social costs in the future. Find out more here. 👇 #ldnont #onpoli #Greenbelt #SayNoToBill23 https://twitter.com/ClimateLdnOnt/status/1590686780160106497
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CarolDyckGPO/status/1592900210111713280
#wetlands #ldnont #onpoli #Greenbelt #saynotobill23